I'm sorry......

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bryant1380, Oct 3, 2002.

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  1. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    Nbrosz, Force of Evil, I apologize for going absolutely ballastic. Nbrosz, you've been around awhile, but it seems the quality of your posts have declined somewhat rapidly. But then, who am I to judge what is spam?

    FoE, you are a newbie here, and not really deserving of a lash-out like that. I certainly didn't mean to newbie-bash. And as a matter of fact, I wasn't on topic with the original topic in the "Beyond Stupidity" thread either, but I was following the general flow of the thread.

    Just tired of the spam people...tired of the spam.....

    Fuckit...I'll probably get banned for flaming and then posting a "spammy" thread.
  2. Force Of Evil

    Force Of Evil New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 27, 2002
    It's alright, I forgive ye
    oh, yeah, I forgot to put atleast a second sentence in!
    Well, here ya have three...
  3. xento

    xento New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 18, 2002
    I forgive you. Sorry for spamming lately. I am trying not to... but it is hard to tell spam from a simple agreement or comment.
  4. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    This forum is something I love. And the regulars, people like Milo, Sheriff Fatman.... Well, they don't post a whole lot. Also, I have stopped posting as much, simply because the spam gets tiring to sort through. So I know that if I am getting aggravated, they must be also. And if there's anything I can do to help keep people like them here, I'll do it. Even if it means pitching enough of a fit to get people to stop spamming, resulting in eternal ban for retard, well, I'll just start over as somebody new. Done it before, will do it again.
  5. xento

    xento New Member

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    Jun 18, 2002
    :eek: Whoa! You ARE desperate! Sorry. I WILL stop spamming.
  6. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    We need to curb the spam. Some people don't actually seem to recognise their own spam and it is giving rise to unnecessary tension. When people like Retard and Dragoon get vocal, we know the problem is real. Even tzehoong seems to be a little short of patience on this one, and that's not like him.

    My suggestions for cutting spam would be two rules:
    1. People with post rate 10+ put on probation. They have 2 weeks to get their post rate under 10 or they are permanently banned.
    2. People with a post rate 15+ instant ban with no appeal. People at those levels right now given a special, one time only, period of two weeks to get themselves under a post rate of 10.

    On the face of it, this might seem like we're penalising people for spending time here, but think about it.

    Noone makes over 10 worthwhile posts everyday. Noone.

    People would know the rules and if approaching the limit would be forced to weight the value of their posts, which is what we want them to do anyway.

    There would be no calls of unfairness. Everyone would be subject to the same rules and moderators would merely be enforcing policy.

    If we try it and find it too restrictive, or not restrictive enough, we can keep the same two rules but just modify the thresholds.

    I'm thinking that this won't increase Jinxed's workload, and wouldn't require a second mod, but I don't know for sure.
  7. Mael

    Mael New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 26, 2001
    the board definitely needs some rules and punishment
    so that this spammer, no all of us has something to follow
    regarding spamming
    and we need to know what post can be considered as spam
  8. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    I don't think it's possible to categorically define spam, that's why I think we should do it on post rate. You know that if someone is posting at a high enough rate, most of what they post has to be spam.
  9. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    Well, Sheriff I for one think that is a mahvalous idea. Or at least a step in the right direction.

    It's ridiculous to look on just this first page, and nearly every topic started now has 3, 4, 5, some as high as 9 pages. A lot of the topics started out as good topics, only to be reduced to shambles by needless one-liners, and general spam.
  10. xento

    xento New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 18, 2002
    That would mean I would be on ban...
  11. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 20, 2001
    No you would not. Your average is 8.39 posts per day (according to your profile). If you continue at your recent rate, you may push yourself over the limit, though. In other words, you would be forced to restrain yourself for a bit. Since you just promised retard you'd do that anyway, it would really only be ensuring you keep your promise.

    [EDIT]In fact, I just did a quick run through of recent posters, and the only ones I could find who would be immediately on probation were Force of Evil (18.33 per day) and Hel Khat (20.61 per day). They wouldn't be given an instant ban, as the rule didn't exist when they hit those rates, but they would have a set period to get their average down.

    This is just a suggestion anyway. Calis and Jinxed are the people who set the rules around here, and I'm sure they'll straighten things out. They always have in the past.
  12. Notharah

    Notharah New Member

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    Jun 8, 2002
    if that would've been a rule right after the crash even I would've been banned... but my posts went up so fast because I replied really fast and so did the person who I was responding to... (vyaas IIRC). We were discussing arcanum 2 so not spamming a bit...... (30 posts a day)
  13. Kozmo_Naut

    Kozmo_Naut New Member

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    May 14, 2001
    Well, that's a fair use of 30+ posts per day, but those kinds of shoot-from-the-hip conversiations still belong in an IRC channel IMHO.

    Although Sheriff's idea is really good, people shouldn't be banned just because they got in a heated discussion about something. Some people do have the ability to think and type really fast, and we shouldn't restrict them, rather point them in the general direction of an IRC channel :wink:

    And yes, I haven't been around here for a while, mostly because I didn't feel like wading through thigh-high spam to find the really good posts :)
  14. xento

    xento New Member

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    Jun 18, 2002
    I WOULD go on IRC, but it doesn't work for me, and I don't have time to download it from all the computers I go on!!
  15. Settler

    Settler Member

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    Jul 6, 2002
    I don't like chat programs in general, let alone IRC, and I can honestly say that, even when not in a heated discussion, I would regularily post more than ten non-spam replies a day. I've said this before - great idea Sheriff, but we need to refine it.

    [EDIT] Just a bit of maths/logic - Hel Khat would need to refrain from posting for as long as he's been on the forum, just to get down to 10.3 pp/d. Maybe for HK and FoE, we could set a quota - they'd have to bring down their rate by a certain mark a week, to gradually get down. Kind of vague, but it could work.
  16. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    I think the spam has gone away and the silence from the mods says we won't be going with my idea. It doesn't look all the that workable in some respects, anyway.

    For people who have said we need a lasting solution, I tend to agree, but we have been around for a while as a forum and we have has surprisingly few spam inundations. Generally, they seem to have been triggered/led by one or two users. Maybe the mods can just keep an eye out for those type of users and come down hard on them before they do too much damage.

    I think the main problem this time around was that we were in self-moderation mode, and the destructive users ran rampant for long enough for the more mature users to get angry and turn up in battle gear.

    BTW, Settler, although you may feel you regularly post more than 10 a day, you don't apparently do it as regulalrly as you think - your post rate is just over 3. Hel Khat's is 20. That's massive, and if he has to bite his tongue for a while to demonstrate restraint in the same way he has demonstrated destructive impulses in the past, I don't see why not.
  17. Settler

    Settler Member

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    Jul 6, 2002
    I know, I checked before I posted that last one. In the last 24 hours, however (23 to 23) I reckon I must've had about 30 posts. I've been in a bit of a posting fervor (context?) recently...
  18. Luchaire

    Luchaire New Member

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    Jun 27, 2002
    But occasional spats of "posting fervor" are alright - and generally won't drive your average way up. If you're anything like most of us, you alternate between posting frenzies, where there's lots to say and talk about, and posting dry spells, where no threads particularly tickle your fancy. To keep an average over 10/day, though, you'd have to be in a constant frenzy... or be here 24/7... and have no life :p
  19. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

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    Aug 27, 2002
    Well first for the "spam police" This whole thread has gone WAY OT but that would not matter I guess cause rules are made to be broken but only by a select few right :-? Second since we are OT, and my name has been mentioned once again, by some who are I feel honestly unbias and by others who have a "personal" grudge and would simply LOVE to see me baned for whatever reason possible (which is petty to say the least.).

    But to those of you who are honestly unbias I would submit this, Spam does not have as much to do with how many posts one posts as it would have to do with the content of the post. For example say this was my 11th post of the day which would exceed the quota does that make this post spam regardless? Does it make this post any less valid? Now if several of my posts prior to this were just smiley faces and single line stupidity (which none of my posts are unless they were posted to threads dedicated to stupidity) then one would have a point.

    Spam can not be judged by the amount of posts because that is just numbers and cold numbers will rarely tell the facts behind the true story. Most of my high rating was mainly due to the "four word" story which I enjoyed a lot but can no longer enjoy because of attacks that I have endured and thus halted to "stop spam". Many also came from defending my POV to others. But NONE of them were due to posting something that was a total waste to read! Even on the rare occasions when I just posted a :eek: (maybe like 3 times I have done this), I felt it spoke volumes when compared to the post before it.

    It seems to me that there are more mean spirited people who want to look at numbers and call names, making baseless accusations, then there are actually people who are spaming with the cruel intent of harming the quality of this board.

    They look at numbers and say "that's ridiculous" instead of actually thinking about the posts that they have read from the poster. It honestly does remind me of the Salem trials where 4 little girls cried witch and dozens of good people died because of it.

    The vast majority of my posts are #1) on point #2) are more then 2 lines in length #3) contribute to the thread in question and encourage a reply and #4) are often entertaining in some way or form without trying to belittle or attack a person.

    If this makes me a spammer then I guess that is what I am, but i will always think that the content of a post will always matter more then how often a persons posts......
  20. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    I don't see how this thread has gone off-topic, considering it's about spam and we're still talking about spam, right? It's not as if we're talking about Arkansas-but-we-say-it-like-arkansaw-cause-americans-cant-read or anything... (Let it go people, just let it go.... :D )

    You know... You were actually banned before you came back. No-one actually said "Hey Eros Rex, come back man, we need you, we're sorry for banning your arse". You just re-invented yourself and returned under a new name.

    True. Now,
    A question for you
    The first thing that pops into your head....
    This or That

    Any of that just mindless crap? The four word story is kinda fun, two of them I thought was a bit much, but okay none-the-less. Your stupid games are horrible. Okay, they might be fine under some circumstances, but do we really need 3 of them in one week?

    NEWSFLASH: Freaky Ferret finds Salvation!
    Congrates to Etalis Craftlord our bottle of salvation!

    I also blame you and say you're single-handedly responsible for the rise in spam. You've started at least two congrats threads with no purpose other than "congrats". I can understand the user who achieved that rank posting *cough* me *cough* but not really someone else. Also, there was little or no merit in them. All it did was start a flood of them.

    So please, don't try and pull some bullshit out of your arse and say "Hey! Me? Spam? NEVAH!"

    That'd be like me saying "Me? Spam? NEVAH!" considering my attempts are trying to derail at least the past three "I hate spam" threads with one liner noddings :nod: and off-topic remarks.

    No, spam cannot be judged by the number of posts. However, the likelihood of someone posting 13 posts in a day and all of them being thoughtful opinion is pretty low. The 14 I did today have been, ohhh, lemme check:
    - 2 on topic in the lvl 1 Port Raider thread (TDZK)
    - Stupid one liner in "The age of SPAM"
    - Stupid one liner in RP Forum
    - Stupid one liner in Ellen Feiss
    - An attempt at getting a thread deleted in A question for you
    - Attack on tzehoong about using the quote function
    - 4 word story
    - Derail thread attempt in I like you
    - Four word story (again)
    - Four word story (2)
    - Four word story (2) (again)
    - Posting the Search button in Getting to know the regulars quick
    - Telling Sheriff to sit in the corner for making nbrosz leave
    - unintelligable (spelling?) Slug Bug reply
    - Reminder of the tzehoong long quote thread in What do you think of me?
    - Four word story (2) (yet again)
    - Four word story (yet again)
    - I think there's something wrong with this thread in Ellen Feiss
    - On topic reply in The spam situation
    - Welcome to the forum Liselle
    - A decent one liner in Another Bush thread
    - Some Portugese in Please enter this into the Vault ASAP
    - A stupid one liner in Cleaning up the general disc., what if?

    So, what, 4/5ths of what I've done today is crap. Jesus, I'm on the ban list.

    Anyway, summing up, I think we just don't like you. You do launch a lot of attacks on people, which I do myself actually, but at least it's only on Sheriff, okay, and on tzehoong as well. You see, what you need is one mortal enemy who you have some fun with ocassionally. Not everyone on the board. Besides, you're not even good at it. I think that's your problem. So just attack Jarinor, or me. Actually, attack me, I'm in the mood for some sweet lovin'.
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