I accidentally have found the best cure for the House of Lords pop-ups!! I've done it!!!!! I'm afraid to share it becasue it may be a bug someone will correct ... So simple it is ... Yet SOOOO effective ... It works all the time ... But what if I share it and "they" fix it ! What should I do?
why do that is it really that hard to just close them? if you disable them altogether, calis will have to shut down the site. :evil:
It can't all be cookies and beans y'know, they pay the bills so just let the damn things pop. What would this world be without pop-ups anyway?
Well, here it goes: When you are posting a reply to the forum, click on the "View More Emoticons" link. This will open a small window with many smileys. Close all explorer windoes exept the Forum and the smileys. Then continue in the Forum ... and you'll never get a pop-up again. It seems that when it opens the smileys it's actually expecting you to close it by clicking on the "Close Window" link. If you never close it, it "thinks" that you are not done and therefore that it can not open another browser window (including pop-ups). Simple, but effective. A bug on the programmer's side, or a feature? I don't know, either way it's fine with me.
I rarely get popups with this site. Do you guys really have that bad of a problem with them? I see a pop-up about once or twice a week. And I check this forum 30-50 times a day. I'm a HoLer freak.. *does the freaky HoLer Freak dance, complete with Peter Pan costume*
hey why not just use a program? This allows the pop-ups to open (the site makes money) and the program closes them (you don't have to bother) I recommend POW from www.analogx.com (this site has some really great programs and all free) if you want email me and I'll send you my pow.dat so you don't even have to add all the urls manually _ Heres the actual download page but I'd still check out all the downloads http://www.analogx.com/contents/downloa ... rk/pow.htm
You know you have entertained the idea though....Be honest Ferret. I'll meet you in the air, pixie-dust and all..
I think it has to do with whether you automatically login or not. After clearing all my cookies out, I visited this site and got slammed with popups. I could've sworn I got an "install Gator now!" window a couple of times, too, but I could be wrong. That might've been a different site. Once I logged back in, I only get the popup every once in a while.
I was getting them on every page load not long ago. I'm not sure it's related, but what are your browser cache settings, Milo?
Err... Ummm... You can't see it, but I'm shuffling my feet. If you tell me how to check, I'll do that. Otherwise, I think it's safe to assume that it's the default setting for IE 5.5 since I don't remember changing anything like that.
In IE (you are using IE still, aren't you?): Tools(menu)>>Options(menu item)>>General(tab)>>Settings(button) How often does it check for new pages? Then again ... hmm ... php pages probably never get cached. Bugger, scratch that.
Ok, it's set to "check for newer versions" automagically. And the size of the cache = 275mb. Ur gonna h4ck my b0x wit dis info aren't j00? Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I only get one popup once a day. The first time I go to forums and that's it. Throughout the rest of the day, whenever I come back here, I'm popup free.
Maybe it is just as simple as getting one pop-up every so many page downloads. That would explain why I get more than you losers. I'm the only one not enough of a loser to leave the site and go and do something else with his time ... er ... bugger