Late Game spoiler/question Can you procede with low int?

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by reiella, Sep 6, 2002.

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  1. reiella

    reiella New Member

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    Sep 6, 2002
    Started a new character, was actually have a bit of fun. Went with supermodel type and decided to keep Int at 4 (the sympathy you get and the text is just hilarious).

    People who'll join a 'good' imbecile are fairly limited (Virgil, Sogg, Dog, Perriman Smythe, Franklin Payne are all I've noticed so far). You also can't start the persuasion master quest. Although on the plus side, apparantly 90% of the other quests that work for you, don't actually take items or money away when they say they do. Got haggle master for free.

    Came to a few points were there were problems (had to burn a fate point to get the letter from M'in Gorad, and many many reloads and potion burnings to get through the Isle of the Damned).

    Couple other odd instances, like needing to get alot of redundant information to trigger quest text (Terwillenger took forever).

    Err yea, the actual question, at Thanatos, Narsudin just refuses to continue after his talk with Virgil ("I would say in all my glory, yada yada" only has the Byebye. dialog text). Any ideas of other quest triggers that might be needed to procede?
  2. Windmills

    Windmills New Member

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    Jun 22, 2002
    If wou wish to proceed the normal way, and get to Tulla and all that, I'm no help to you. There may be a way, but I don't know of it.

    You CAN proceed to the end of the game, though, even with no other conversation options available. You'd just have to kill Nasrudin. He'll then send you directly to the void, and from there you should be able to finish up the game.

    If anyone else has any other ideas besides killing Nasrudin, please enlighten us both. :twoheaded:
  3. reiella

    reiella New Member

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    Sep 6, 2002
    In a tidbit of frustration inspired intelligence. I told Virgil to wait before talking to Narsudin, and that actually worked.

    Woohoo :). Thanks for the help Windmills.
  4. Windmills

    Windmills New Member

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    Jun 22, 2002
    Well, or the ATTEMPT to help, at least. :) I'm glad you found a way through! I'll have to remember to try that if I ever play all the way through with low intelligence. Thanks for YOUR ideas too!

    And a big WELCOME TO THE FORUM for you, too! :D
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