Okay so if your new to the wonderful world of Arcanum and are considering using Magic .....here some to go for and some to avoid. 3 Crap 3 3 Good 3 3 3 Kicks arse Conveyance 3 3 3 (takes care of all you transport problems) Divination 3 (waste of CP, the only half useful spell is sense invisible) Air 3 (looks way better than it is effective) Earth 3 3 (Handy lower level spells) Fire 3 3 (Similar to earth, choose one or the other, not both) Water 3 (the attacking spell is weak, no actually, all of em are) Force 3 3 3 (Brilliant, both attacking and defensive spells) Mental 3 3 (Very useful, if there was a half a face with a crown on it would get an extra one) Meta 3 3 (I didn't use it much but very useful for killin mages) Morphing 3 3 (I like this one. I would give it a ''half crown'' if pos) Nature 3 3 (Why fight deadly beasts when they can help you?) Black Necromantic 3 3 3 (Powerful attacking as well as summon undead) White Necromantic 3 3 3 (Very very useful, get this and you won't need HP restoring potions) Phantasm 3 3 (Useful in and out of battle. Be warned- the last spell is called Invisibility not Invinsability, your enemy can see you if attack them in combat) Summoning 3 3 3 (Summon Ogres and watch em hack your foe's in to tiiiiiny pieces. Only drawback is they steal exp) Temporal 3 3 3 (Get this and you'll kill them bad guys b4 they get within 300 ft of you) Well I hope that helps you newBs (with Rail road spikes under your names, HAHAHA, I got a DAGGER now!!!!!) And you more experienced Arcanies, feel free to critisize, I love dicussing magic 0 3 ........Long live the King
WOW CHOSEN ONE!!!!! Thanks for making that very helpful magic guide, its very helpful and it must have taken you a fair while to make so very helpful, I bet loads of ppl reply to it because its so helpful and nice and good. 3 :razz:
(loads a Tranqualizer gun) he started responding to his own messages, time to put this puppy down (fires the tranq darts at chosen one)
HAHAHA!!!!! Yeah well no1 else reponded so I thought I might as well...... 0 I really liked that post ! I thought it was intrestin even tho i write it so i thought u guys would as well :wink 3
This is what it should have looked like Conveyance 3 3 3 Divination 3 :minigun: Air 3 :minigun: Earth 3 Fire 3 Water 3 :minigun: Force 3 3 3 Mental 3 Meta 3 :minigun: Morphing 3 :minigun: Nature 3 :minigun: :minigun: Black Necromantic 3 White Necromantic 3 Phantasm 3 :minigun: Summoning 3 :minigun: :minigun: :minigun: :minigun: Temporal 3 3 3 Why get 6 colleges when you could get 3?
It's actually a fairly powerful spell college, but there are problems with it. 1. Makes the game too easy if you can just summon a swarm of demons and ogres to kill anything you want. 2. Takes away virtually all experience from combat, so you level up extremely slowly.
Yeah, that is what i thought. I messed around with it some in Vormantown. Kinda cool. All i got up to was ogre but that was plenty powerful for the point i got to before i started playi regular Arcanum again.
Conveyance and Temporal are all you need to know everything else is pure fluff, now you can add White Necro and force but only good for healing and the force shield actually _
yeah, I played through with tech the first time. I dont really see how someone can say that magic is more powerful when i have an army of robots at my back.
Mental = Charm, Stun, Dominate Will. They don't fight back much when Stunned. At higher levels, Dominate the biggst baddie in the group, have him kill his buddies, then kill him. What's not to like about Mental? Now divination, uke:
Know Alignment was useful when I was trying to figure out why my good followers were getting mad at me for killing pigs in Ashbury.