Football is back

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ThreeDogs, Aug 28, 2002.

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  1. ThreeDogs

    ThreeDogs New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2002
    No worlds game. The sight of so many confederate flags here has ignited my xenophobic fire and only the sweat and tears of the grid-iron will cool my fire. Oh yeah bring on the Packers baby!!
  2. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

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    Aug 27, 2002
    BRING ON THOSE TIGHT ENDS (and their WIDE resevers) :eek:

    GO RAVENS!!!! 8)
  3. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    You call grid-iron football? It's 50 plus guys only playing a part of 80 or 90 minutes of football. Rugby union (and even league) are much tougher - people usually play at least 60 of the 80 minutes, AND they don't need all that pussy padding...
  4. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    :roll: Jar, we've heard it all. We know how little respect gridiron is given by those who prefer rugby and soccer. I'll tell you what......

    Let's pretend that this whole, "American Foosball b3 5u><0R35!! Rubmygee is the 1337, best Foosball!!!!'' discussion has been done already. I hate soccer and rubmygee. However, whenever we have a thread on those sports, I stay out of it. Ok? Thanks. :wink:

    I'm with you 3dogs. GO ASS-Packers!!!!!!!! Hope they can do something this year.
  5. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 20, 2001
  6. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    See? Who says them dang fureigners can't get in the spirit? :wink:

    He's so jubilant, I'm not going to mention to him that the Green Socks aren't a football team, just a really bad Christmas gift. Don't ask how I know about this. ¹

    ¹ Got them on right now, as a matter of fact.
  7. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    Ugh - that adds new dimensions to the term "support stockings". I think I need to change my team ...

    Goooooooooooooooooooo ... 69ers!

    [EDIT]Don't try to look up that team's home page. It has surprisingly little to do with football.
  8. ThreeDogs

    ThreeDogs New Member

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    Feb 8, 2002
    actually jar the 'grid-iron' is the field or in soccer terms the pitch. Oh and as far as rugby goes well there is just a little too much group hugging going on there for my taste nancy boy. :lol:
  9. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 27, 2002
    Yeah they wear LESS clothes and look JUST as macho! :hump:
  10. piff133

    piff133 New Member

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    Aug 13, 2002
    Speaking of rugby, what's up with the AFL league? They aren't playing real rugby. I get some of their games and they don't have scrums, throw-ins when the team throws it in. It's just not real rugby. And to stop the arguement, rigby and football are about equal, and soccer shouldn't be a spectator sport.
  11. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    Hey! Take your stinking rugby talk elsewhere. This thread is for grilliron fans only!

    Go the Blackskins!
  12. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    That's not really a surprise. See, AFL isn't a version of rugby. Nothing like it at all. AFL stands for Australian Football League, but the actual name of the game is Australian Football Rules (even though I think the game originated in Ireland). The game is pretty complex and hard (and surprising physical at times). It takes a fair amount of natural skill and talent to play.

    No probs retard. Comes into affect after these words. Right now.

    Now I have to think of a bogus team to support...


    Go the Yellow Bellies!!!
  13. Milo

    Milo New Member

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    Sep 12, 2001
    Football sucks¹.

    What's even worse is that the Major League Baseball Players Association might go on strike this Friday cutting the season short leaving the sport scene wide open for football mania until basketball season starts.

    What's even worse than that is that Jar makes me feel like defending a sport that I don't like because it's my duty as a good American and part of Operation Enduring Freedom. All I have to say re: the "pads = pussy" argument is this - Rugby players look like regular people. They do not weigh upwards of 350 pounds, dig in, ready themselves and then slam into each other over and over again for 3 hours. Gridiron players would kill themselves if they didn't wear pads and helmets regardless of their nationality, believe it or not.

    So anyway, GO NINERS

    ¹This is not my opinion. This is fact. I can cite several internet websites.
  14. carlstar

    carlstar New Member

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    Dec 14, 2001
    Rugby must be a more demanding and vionlent game. Do you have any idea why american football was created. if not i shall tell you a story about a man named jed, poor mountain... sorry

    The french played an exhibition game back in the early days or a year before American football was invented against canada i beleive and the then president said something like "I never want to see such a violent and dirty game in this God loving country, clean it up or there will never be a game like that played here again" and american football was invented. No scrums or rucks and mauls and a forward pass.

    Cricket, now thats the best game of all time.
  15. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    Am I the only one here who's thinking:

    Celebrity DM: How much does Grid-iron suck¹?

    ¹May or may not be an appropriate topic. Perhaps "Which is better, rugby or Grid-iron?"
  16. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 20, 2001

    I dunno that I'd say regular.

    All this talk of Oz and football is making me want to support Kansas. Goooooooooooooooooo the Chefs!
  17. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    Yeah, I don't know that eye gouging is that serious a problem. At least not in Australia. *Maybe* over there in England it is...As everyone knows though, eye gouging is right down there with kicks in the balls as the lowest of the low.

    Personally I'd be more concerned about rucking. That shit fucking hurts like you wouldn't believe.
  18. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 20, 2001
    Hey, what have we told you about you that damn rugby mouth of yours? Take it outside.
  19. Milo

    Milo New Member

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    Sep 12, 2001
    Jesus Christ, that dude's finger is up to the knuckle in that poor guy's eye. In other rugby news, I heard today on sports talk radio that some rugby players arm got gangrene or something because he had a man's tooth lodged in his arm. He got bit during some match and was so hard assed he either didn't give a shit that there was dentistry in his arm, or he didn't notice it. Either way...

    So ok, rugby players are badass. This doesn't make gridiron players pussies by comparison, though. This just makes rugby players more insane.

    What's rucking? Is that like rooting in basketball? Rooting is where you stand behind a guy like you're guarding him, and then while the refs aren't watching, you wedge your knee firmly in his ass and then leverage your weight right into his brown spot, "rooting" him out of position.
  20. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    (Sorry retard, but Milo asked...)

    Okay, in rugby (union, if I want to refer to league, I'll call it league, amazingly enough), when someone gets tackled, play doesn't stop! No, it continues! Now, depending how many players are around when someone is tackled, a ruck can form, kind of like an impromptu scrum, but anyone can join in, and they can move fairly fast and fairly far. Some teams specialise in using rucks as an attacking tactic - 10 forwards or forward sized players pushing about as many from the opposition side backwards as fast as they can is fucking hard to stop.

    Anyway, when a ruck forms, they tend to stand pretty still, as the forwards are all running in there and throwing themselves into the back, trying to push the opposition away from the ball, so it can come out of the ruck so play can continue. Now, rucking is when a player (most probably a forward) stomps on someone holding the ball in a ruck (which is illegal). Rucking is allowed if that player is holding the ball, but not allowed if they aren't near it.

    It's quite strange at times - there'll be 15 men in an area about 2 or 3 metres square lying on the ground or standing on top of them, ref watching closely nearby to make sure no one on the ground is holding the ball, or any of the forwards is trying to pick up the ball. Someone will hold the ball for a bit, and the ref might think about blowing the whistle for a penalty, until a handy nearby forward gives the offender a quick few stomps to the player to 'encourage' him to release the ball. Of course, people try not to ruck their own players, but you can't help being stood on in a ruck if you're on the ground.

    So yeah, rucking is essentially where tough ass forward stomps the shit out of you for a couple of seconds with the tags on his boots (tags being the studs on the bottom). If you only get bruises, you get off easy.
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