Hi, ive been cruisne the Vendigroth wastes for days looking for Tulla I just wanted to know if thier is a special Action I must perform to find Tulla, and wher should I go to locat Tulla, Iknow its in the Vendigrowth but is it near the center, or the coast or is it even in the Vendigrowth
I'm not sure you can find Tulla just by running into it. If you're in the wastes already, you must have entered through the Gateway to the Wastes, no? At that gateway, or pass, you should have met a halfling called Weldo. If you speak to him, he'll mark the location of Tulla on your map. Then all you need is to go straight there. You didn't kill Weldo did you? I've heard you can go through the game to the very end, even having killed everyone in the game, so there is likely a way to Tulla even with Weldo dead, although I do not know of it. Hope I was of SOME assistance.
You could always go get the cooridnates from here, Terra Arcanum. Otherwise, I think you get it from Juakim(not spelt right)
Don't go to the spoilers. If you are wandering in the wastes, then you must have already found the bridge from the mainland. At the bridge you will find a peculiar character who: a) may join you b) tell you the location for free c) tell you the location in exchange for something depends on your character. Good luck!
If you killed Wendo the only way to ge to Tullais by looking up the coordinates (or perhaps by asking Perriman but i'm not sure. It is possible to complete the game killing everyone (except the silver lady whos invincible) in this case your meant togo back to Thanatos and kill Nasrudin.
or the baneful guantlets, those things are great to get any item any person carries without pickpocket, fate points, or making them hate you.
:minigun: Can't commit suicide? Are you high? Try dismissing your followers and then attack them unarmed and unarmored. Or for the traditionalist, try setting a stick or two of dynamite, paitently squat above it and wait for your colon cleansing, absolutely fantastic! Still not satisfied? Try walking into fire, or use a looking glass rifle while playing a magic oriented character, boom! I'm sure I left out many ways, but these should get you started in the right direction. Enjoy.
youve had three people show you many different ways of killing yourself, do you understand that youre wrong?