Mod MAking Assistance - Script attachment points, scheme mus

Discussion in 'Modding and Scripting Support' started by Threnody, Aug 15, 2002.

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  1. Threnody

    Threnody New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 15, 2002
    Hey all! I'm new to this board and new to modding, and I need some assistance. First of all I'd like to thank *Dark Underlord* for writing a fantastic tutorial, which sparked my interest in modding!

    Now I have questions... hopefully there are answers.

    Question 1: I want to have dialog begin automatically at the beginning of the game, such as in Arcanum with Virgil, or at the beginning of DU's Grayhills mod. I cannot figure out the proper script attachment point with my NPC. If anyone can tell me it will save me another few hours of mucking about.

    Question 2: I have put some MP3s in the sound folder of my mod and registered them in my schemelist and schemeindex mes files. However I cannot figure out how to get them to actually work. I have tried tile scripts, sector scripts, heartbeat scripts, putting it in with the opening dialog (part of question 1). I cannot figure out WHERE to put it so it works. Maybe I am getting the actual script wrong. In addition, the script requests two scheme numbers. Why is that? What if I only want one?

    Anyways, I hope that someone can answer these questions for me! And I'll probably be around... asking more... well, hopefully not, I like figuring things out myself. But I lack patience.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    1. Have you tried "First Heartbeat"?

    2. I'm not sure but if you right click ground in worlded, and choose "sound schemes".
  3. Threnody

    Threnody New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 15, 2002
    I tried "First Heartbeat" but maybe I didn't use it correctly. I tried attaching my dialog script to first heartbeat, but then he just wouldn't talk, or he would say generic floating words. But I'll play more.

    Doe sit say that right in world ed? Oh <blush> Silly me. Thanks :)
  4. ArchGaden

    ArchGaden New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 17, 2002
    Make sure you have the dialog file and the script file named alike. Such as 08299Kilroy.dlg and 08299Kilroy.scr . The script file should have a dialog command pointing to a start line in the dialog file.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    And scripts should be numbered UNDER 01000.
  6. Threnody

    Threnody New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 15, 2002
    The scripts are fine. The dialog is fine. It works perfectly, it just doesn't start immediately. But thanks for trying to help :)
  7. ArchGaden

    ArchGaden New Member

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    Aug 17, 2002
    I've been working between 08000 and 09000 just fine..although..I am modding right onto the main arcanum world.
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