How do i get over/through those mountains? I forget what they r called, but its the big mountain range that goes around cumbria and tarant and still water etc...i wanna get to the other side but how? any feedback wud b appreciated
Just work your way throught the game and don'y be impatient. You get to go all over Arcanum during the various stages of the game, as new areas are opened up to you.
yeah byt the elf who tells me where that forest is wont tell me, and ive got no other clues where to go
Spoiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . That elf wants you to get a stillwater giant pelt. Which you can buy/steal/persuade from H.T. Parnell in Tarant. You will have to follow a specific dialog option though (the one where he asks you a question and you let him wait). He'll give you the location of Qintarra and the pass through the mountains.