You like Polls don't you LOT-5? Shame you don't seem to include all the options.... And Liddy, why do like Tarant so much - as an ELF?!?
Quintara is nice to look at, but everyone that lives there is a snob. I'd pick Stillwater. It's cold, I like that. There's a lot of local folklore. There's a couple of local weirdos to pass the time with. The only things to do there are get drunk at the bar and have sex with the beautiful priestess who's only goal in life is to be beautiful and have sex.
Shrouded Hills, only because you could (would have been a great game option) kill the Sheriff/mayor, and become ruler of the town, collect money from the people....AND RULE WITH AN IRON FIST!!!!
She could be Swyft. The elft you have to take from Qintara to Tarant. And besides, EVERYBODDY knows that Vendigroth is the coolest.
I just wonder, sure he brought the city up from the wastes, but did he bring all the people back to life too? wouldnt that be kinda hard?
Itd been burried for hundreds of years. So the people are probably decomposed and thier souls are gone
so then how could it have become a place of wonders again? nobody lived there! did people just wander into vendigroth and start makeing stuff?
I guess so. Or maybe the magic was so strong he brought the people back from the dead. I didnt interview Arronax so I dont know.
I've actually got a question about Arronax. Besides the quirky Human race thing, why does he have 55 unused character points!!!! He had a magick rating of like 35, and he's one of the most powerful mages ever?!? My magick rating was at 100 and I had 4 colleges mastered, and he only had an MP/Fatige advantage (though slight) because of his extra 13 levels. At lest he hits things more than Virgil...