I just have no luck. I had to have my hard drive wiped. And I go to reinstall Arcanum today. I install the game and the patch, and I go to play and no go. The game crashed my computer. >_< I hate windows XP! I miss my old win 95 computer now. I close everything I know that is running in the background. I really don't know why I have so many problems.
Do not have a copy of either. I never had 98 or me. I had my last computer for 5 years and it stayed the same for 5 years. This one I didn't get much of an option of what I could have on it. Though sometime one of my friend might get me a copy of win 2000.
That's precisely why I always build my own computers! That and you can get it cheaper that way (as long as you know what you're doing, what you need and what the best deals are).
My mother's friend built if more me for free. All he has was XP though. I can't really complain to much, it was free.
I'm pulling my hair out. I reinstalled the game, this time without the direct X 8 drivers. The drivers were crashing the computer. Now, when I try to play the game I can to the character creation screen and the computer crashes, I tried 3 times, once in Arcanum safe mode too.
I wish I could. :xoldrop: I never had this many problems with my old win 95 computer. That one just got to old to use anymore though. I'm hoping my friend can get me a copy of win 2000 to me soon. I'm just having way to many problems with XP.
I tried all the compatability modes. Some of them would not load the game because it said it was missing a driver though.