Ive been going insane trying to find a short bow. I need a Compound Bow for my Envenomed Bow, but I need a Short Bow and Boat Rigging to make the Compound Bow. But all I can find is the regular Bow and the Elven Hunter's Bow. And some arcane Bows
You can get it everywhere, but i think you need a longbow to make a compound bow. i do know however that i bought a compound bow at a blacksmith in tarrant.
The envenomed bow really does require a long bow. The only reliable source I know of is the spider women of Vendigroth. Hmm, I bet that would be a good '50's SF movie title.
I've found them(longbows I mean) carried by the dryder looking things(not sure what they're called) on dread island. Dark elves also carry them.
I think that you can also get it if you take on that grave robber quest for that gnome wife. The dark elves outside of the tomb has some.
You can also get a long bow when you do the master bow quest. From the skeleton archers thats fiering at you at the beginning
well he thought that he needed a short bow for the compound bow, so all those longbow locales are prolly worthless to him. hes prolly got a crapload of those. i know i do. i got 2 automatons and 5 various arachnids stashed in the chest at an inn to boot.