I just started a thief, my 4th charecter, so i tend to look in places I shouldn't. I checked out the throwing chick in Derholm, del'Par I think. Anyway, she has what seems to be a bad ass sword, the sword of baltar. Its magic and all it syas on the discription is Dmg:15-25 Ft:5-15 Sp:15. It has the same graphic as the quality broad sword. Big black hilt in a cross shape. i can't get it yet, still need her for quests but I think I'll go back and smack he for it with another charecter. Anybody ever use, stole or heard of it.
It's not all that great, but if you want it why wait? Steal it with a fate point. First time through I hoarded seven thinking they might be needed for "something important." What a waste.
as Eloc Knarfnos said its not that great, there are far better swords in the game..And its heavy too...:smile:
:minigun: I must disagree with the others concerning this weapon, in the hands of a capable warrior with the strength to wield it this weapon is truly devestating. Give it to Sogg when he's packin' a strength level of say 24 with an expert rating on his melee and watch the limbs fly!
I used it for awhile, and I think it's a pretty good sword. Especially considering how early you can get it in the game. If I remember correctly, that was the second city I visited, and by then I had one or two fate points. I used one to steal the sword, and I used it for a long time.