I just had Raven join my group and she's all digging me and stuff. Is there romances in this game? if there is one with raven will it screw it up if i have that dark elf chick she doesn't like in my group too? I convinced her that my presence "overshadowed her's" or something to that effect so I have both of them in my group, but I'd like to know if it screws anything up if I have both of them in my group.
I don't know if it will screw it up. I do know that there is some limited "romance". Mostly just requests for "parental recreational activities".
Ok so does anyone know if there are any additions to plot or dialoge that you get for keeping that dark elf lady that raven doesnt like in your group?
Yes. You do get the option with 20 charisma and master persuation, but never tell either of tem to wait, or you'll never get them back together.
I decided to let her die from the half ogres i freed. She's all evil style anyway. Maybe when I play through as an evil guy next time I'll let her live.
I have had raven fall in love with me when I have played as an elf. Just before you enter the void, you get a "magic moment".