I got med arachnid from the factory owner in Caladon. When I throw it on the ground it unfolds, walks whereever I order it to but for some reason it doesn't heal me. Anyone knows why?
I think there is a bug. I have never tried the aracanid but i have heard about the problem. It is suposed to be a fix out there somwhere.
That problem was about med arachnid not unfolding after it was thrown and yes there's a fix for that though it was even addressed in 1074 patch - unless I'm mistaken.
Medical Arachnid Let me just tell you what I know (my medical arachnid, from the same source) heals me faithfully. 1. Sometimes it will only heal you if you walk right next to it. 2. Sometimes it will only heal you if you are in combat-mode. 3. What is your techno rating? It may not heal magically inclined users, or users with a low techno rating. (I am techno 100).
Medical Arachnid AFAIK The Medical Arachnid bug only affects the one's you build yourself from the schematic, not the one from the guy in Caladon (Maxim?) I've had mine stop healing me, and the 'fix' for it was to pick it back up and put it back down again. It would usually start healing again. Keith Ambrose