Hello everyone, I have a few questions that are probobly easy but have been kicking my butt for some time... I am a bit of a n00b in Arcanum, so please be kind enough to answer my questions :smile: 1. In the Arcane Maze (Near Derholn) there is an unidentified sword enclosed by walls. How do I get it? 2. What does it mean when an item has "Magic power available X%" written on it? 3. What is up with hexed items? Do they incure any negative penalties other then those writen in the item description bar? 4. I am tryong to get to Caladon, and yes, I cheated, but I am walking around where the Gorgoth Pas is supposed to be (near the Crash Site and Shrouded Hills and such) and can't find! Is there someone who shows it to you or some quest to find it??? 5. Finally, on my stats window it says that I can have the max of only two followers. That is with my 10 Charisma points. I don't want to go away from my auto-leveling scheme, but can I have more followers then that? (This isn't that dumb of a questions 'cause evne thouygh I messed up, in anothe saved game I was able to resque Dog before he was killed and he joined me against my limit of only 2 followers. What is up with this?) Thank you very much for all your time guys!! Hope to hear from you...
lo there :smile: I remember reading about this one once, here. I believe the general consensus was that the gamedesigners forgot to put in a door there. There are awkward ways to try to retrieve the sword, but they include using the world map, and I don;t think anyone even got it. It means you will use X% of the figures between the brackets on the magic item. A way to increase this is to get more magickally inclined. Don't think so, else they'd be mentioned. :smile: Though the Bangellian Scourge, once identified, no longer tells you all it does, so it may be possible some items also hide info (very unlikely though). Getting to places too early may screw up the main quest, I wouldn't reccommend it. If you must however, follow the most southern shoreline, and manouver past Razor's point, like you would move through a pass, to reach the other side of the mountains. Dog does not count towards your follower total, so he basically is a 'free' follower. The only real drawback I encountered was not being able to take trains. np :smile:.
well, lostsoul answered more than adequately, so all that's left to say is "Welcome to the Forum, Proust!" :wavey:
1. People have used teleport to reach the sword, but the same people say it's not worth the effort. It's not that great a sword. 4. The Pass to Caladon is designed to be reached from the Caladon side of the mountains first. It is best to go by boat the first time. A previous post detailed a hunt and peck method of getting to it before the right point in the game, but why rush?
On #1 Whaaaaat? I tried every conveyance trick in the book and then some to get at that sword and no go. You're going to have to be very specific for me to believe anyone ever got at that sword...