
Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by rundis, Mar 20, 2002.

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  1. rundis

    rundis New Member

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    Mar 20, 2002
    I´ve been in quintarra to leave the letter that i´ve got in the black mountain cave, but i don´t know who i should talk to or leave the letter to, There is an passage in the quintarra city but there is some elve guard that are in my way that makes it impossible to pass, i think it is a bug but how should i do. Also i what to go to Caladon but it is a damm river that is in the way. I´ve been to tanrant to look after some mr Willoughsby. But he is never at home.
    Please help me, i know that you guys have answering this question many times before, but please i beague
  2. Memnoch91

    Memnoch91 New Member

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    Feb 26, 2002
    if you want to jump the gun you could look for gorgoth pass beneath shrouded hills or just wait cause soon the storyline will take you there via boat :smile: And you have to talk to raven who is at the end of a walkway one down to the right and then up to the right from where you come in. I think at least thats where it is. You must tell here everything then she will ask you to do a quest then once complete you can go into that passage.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Memnoch91 on 2002-03-20 10:34 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Memnoch91 on 2002-03-20 10:34 ]</font>
  3. Lethran

    Lethran New Member

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    Dec 21, 2001
    1. Your original post is a bit confusing. Have you been to Ashbury, The Isle of Despair, the Wheel Clan, and Shrouded Hills yet? If you haven't, that could explain your difficulty in reaching Raven. It is a very bad idea to go to Quintarra until the main plot takes you there, it tends to bug out the program.

    If you at the right pklace and time, the guards should let you pass. Did you try just walking past them?

    2. Mr. Willoughsby appears in Tarant right after you finish certain quests in Quintarra. If that is your reason for going to Caladon, you might as well wait.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lethran on 2002-03-20 12:09 ]</font>
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