I just want to let you people know that I found location of another city in demo Dernholm "Capital of Cumbria" - 1237W, 1652S
Is there an actual city there or just grass? If there is an actual city there then that is great because you are referred there from SH by a couple of people.
I would doubt they would have left it in. I know they put the demo together quick, but the first thing they did would be remove all cities, then artwork that was not needed. As we can see a lot of the artwork in the demo is missing. I can't summon an orc, but this city looks great....I don't think so.
After exploring the map substantially more, other than the crash site, SH and the other few of scripted encounters in the starting corner of the demo, there isn't a whole lot out there except lots of random encounters. :sad:
Yes you are right, but what I meant that I have this town on my world map. Of course there is same thing what in Tarant but it is nice to know for the future.
Figured I'd pull this one back up with a tidbit of info. If you want to get some half decent experience come and play around Dernholm for a while. You will surely turn up lots of Putrid Rodents in groups ranging in size from 3 - 7. Also, for those less fortunate or hardy enough, you may unknowingly attract the attention of wererats. I have seen these in groups of 1 - 4 monsters in size. :smile:
I was attacked by 19 on the plains to far east as well as having some really weird combat back drops(Namely red squares with blue divider and has anyone seen enemies who are nothing but shadows?).
wererats are nasty buggers, but so worth the xp, if you can summon ogre's you own them with ease, if you have the good weapons
To A T's... YES To Tel... YES Not much to see. Theres some wolves, some kites, and of course missing artwork demons and apes alike.