I have purchased and found a number of schematics that are beyond the "7" learned of a discipline. I "use" them, but they never show up in the found schematics book. Any ideas?
Yeah I think they're over on the Hints and Tips forum with all the other questions like this. And while your waiting for Jinxed to move to this message you might try reading the manual. Its an amazing little book full of all kinds of useful information on how to actually play the game. Remarkable!
The amazing thing about the manual is that they claim it is one. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sheriff Fatman on 2002-02-27 10:22 ]</font>
Oh yeah, thanks! What's remarkable is the fact you found useful information in the manual. I have followed the instructions provided but without luck. I apologize for posting in the wrong forum and I appreciate the fact that someone has read my post. But, if you are lacking in anything resembling useful information, why waste your time?
Ahh, that's more like it - a question I can answer AND it is in the right forum ... I come here because like some of the people here. They are quite entertaining. It kills time without me having to get a life or make friends. It is also a useful source of information, such as the 100 best uses for a sheep, and what to do if you puncture an inflatable playmate (the answer to that one is "close the window," by the way). Seriously, sorry for not answering your original question before. THe answer is, found schematics are used by accessing your schematics screen and clicking the "found" button. It then will list all of the schemtics you know because you picked them up and used them, rather than putting points into a discipline. You should note that you won't necessarily have the skill to use all the required ingredients of found schemtics. There is a method within the game for getting that skill, but I don't want to spoil it for you unless you ask. Lack of skill for a required ingredient is indicated by the ingredient being red (I think). The related discipline is shown by a symbol in the top left (I think) corner of the ingredient's picture. Happy Technologising.
That seems to be the problem I am looking in the found schematics (there is one there that found) but all the found schematics I have entered since the first one do not show up. All of the discipline pages are totally empty. And I had just found and "used" the tesla gun! I wanna smack my PC around.
Hmm ... have you tried switching disciplines, using the buttons on the right? The found schemtics are sorted into disciplines like the learned ones.
I have to disagree Sheriff. On the whole the manual is fairly good and definately better than some I've seen. It would benefit GREATLY from an index however. Also another revision before the release of the game would have helped. There's still some leftovers from development like referring to IN as the primary stat for spellcasting and the technological disciplines chart on pg162 is out of date. But in the case of schematics its quite clear. They are mentioned breifly on page 33 with the note that the details of their use are in Chapter3. And sure enough in Chapter 3 starting on page 82 is the section detailing their use. Of course if someone had a reading comprehension problem, short attention span or a habit of not paying attention to details they might have a problem.
Erok, try this. When you have the schematic in your inventory, open your inventory. Right click on the schematic. You should get a message saying something like "You have learned a new schematic!".
I get the message, but no schematic I have dragged the schematic from my inventory to the "hand" symbol and gotten the message that I have learned a new schematic. The problem is, when I look in my found schematics, it is not there. In response to those who suspect deficiencies in comprehension and attention span, I would just like to say.....er, uh....what was I talking about, again?
1. Do you have the latest patch 1074? 2. Tesla Gun should be in Found schematics under the Electrical tab. If I like you said none are showing up I'd say thats a good sign the game didn't install properly or has become corrupted since. Before reinstalling though go to Microsoft and find the latest version of the Windows Installer "instmsi.exe" as this game seems to have some problems with older installers.