I have a big problem : my two followers Virgile and Magnus wants to leave the party because i fight too much in the dwarf mines. How can i increase the followers attitude to stay with my character.
Do some good things so that your alignment will go up. Also if you develop CH to 20 they won't leave you and if you develop Persuasion to Master you'll be abvle to get followers regardless of their alignment. On a side note which mines do you mean? If you mean BMC mines then something is awfully wrong. I killed everyone (except for a single character) in there and none of my followers ever uttered a word of disgust.
I try all this things... Thanks for your answer, but i already try this things. My character skills : Alignment : 44 Persuasion : Expert, level 3 Charisma : 12 I have another problem, i used new technlogies like "pyrotechnical axe", but i don't find the schematics !!! I have the same problem with the technical articles in the newspaper in tarant, i don't see the needed parts.
You can use a fatepoint to force a good reaction. And you shouldn't slaughter dwarves in front of another drawf. :wink:
I was talking about CH20 and Persuasion Master. You don't get special bonus from CH anywhere below 20 and Persuasion Expert only lets you have one additional follower so it won't help with the reaction. Schematics and parts appear in shops randomly and for most of the uncommon parts there is a very slight chance they'll appear at all. You can try using Shopkeeper Inventory Hacks from TA downloads.