What items do colect in the game? no matter how sane or mentaly ill you are you must collect somthing I colect Elvan items i dont use them cos im a techie i also used to colect all the the guns :minigun:
One thing I would suggest collecting is a couple of everything you use to offer to the "gods" and storing them someplace. I've collected barbarian armor, elvish armor, lots of swords and axes and built myself a secret armory in the Boil so I can take over the city (oops, now I've gone and spoiled it-nobody tell G.B.). Whatever makes you happy man, there's nothing you need to collect. Oh, I also collected skulls. I had a pretty nice collection from my days (nights) as a graverobber...
I guess Money doesn't count ... I don't recall collecting stuff really, or it must be gems, I has a couple of each one, in all shapes once. Some people collect followers :grin:
I'm like HED up there. I never sell the hexed items that I find. I store them away someplace safe. Some of them, namely the ones that do fatigue damage over time, are very useful for peacefully knocking out NPCs.
I also colect junk that looks funny i remember giving virgil a railroad spike i think and telling him to take on the boil enterance at level 6