Isle of Despair Question

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by AsenathWaite, Jan 5, 2002.

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  1. AsenathWaite

    AsenathWaite New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 24, 2001
    I spoke with Mr. two-stones about the Dwarven Clan, and he told me I need a pair of special glasses. He will not, however, give me these glasses. I pickpocketed him and opened his chest, and found a schematic to make the glasses -but I don't have the materials. Do these materials exist on the island? I don't think I can leave the island. What do I do?
  2. slagger21

    slagger21 New Member

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    Nov 15, 2001
    just kill two stones for it or use a fate point to pick it off him .
    Just go back to Teach and talk to him to get back .
  3. AsenathWaite

    AsenathWaite New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 24, 2001
    fate points?

    I've never used a fate point. How do I do it? I pickpocketed him, but that only produced a key to his chest.
  4. Ring lord

    Ring lord Member

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    Nov 4, 2001
    you DONT need a fate point for that!(unless you dont have ANY pickpocketing skills)
    there are some numbers at the upper-left corner...these are your fate points
    (at this point of the game it should be 01-02 points)
  5. Dr. Poo

    Dr. Poo New Member

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    Jan 5, 2002

    I cant remember the exact name of the stone you use for those glasses, but at the point where I met the guy at the isle of despair, i had already come across about 30 of those things, so what I am saying is they are xtremely common, don't waste a fate point on it.

    Just chill. You will find glasses in general stores, inventors, and yes, the spectacles shop in Ashbury. As for the gem you need, you will find TONS of those in chests and other containers in different dungeons you come across. If you haven't yet found any of those gems, then it probably means you are too low level to handle the clan of the wheels dungeons anyways. I was around level 26/27 when i first hit the clan of the wheel hand, and let me tell you the creatures you have to fight there will kick ur booty if you are any lower than that.

    Make sure you are exploring around the various towns and clearing out the dungeons they have there, cuz you need that exp to make you strong enough to handle whats coming up.

    For example, i think in ashbury, theres two dungeons you can clear out, right there in town: the cemetary (zombies) and theres a castle to the NE, filled with ghouls and zombies. I believe i leveled twice just from exploring around ashbury. Make sure you follow the storyline, and do quests in order whenever possible, and explore. Cuz by the time I got to Isle of Despair, I already Had come across the components to the special glasses SEVERAL times. So if you haven't, that probably means you don't explore very much, and have MISSED several dungeons that you NEED to level up to the appropriate level.

    Heres one more tip for ya: save stuff. Don't be so anxious to sell everything you find instantly. LAter in the game i've come to realized i have THROWN away several quest items, early in the game, because i thought they were junk, so i sold them to clear out my inventory.

    The way you save stuff, incase you haven't already figured this out. In each town, or in one town, find an empty house or warehouse that has either chests, barrels, crates, or anything similiar, and put all your junk in there. Trash cans and rubbish bins inventories are RESET each day, But any storage container you find in a building, IS PERMANENT / SAVED. I personally use the warehouse in Tarant, where the Gnome hires you to clear out the rats. Theres 2 chests, and 3 crates in there, plenty of storage space. I have one chest filled with weapons and armor, one chest with techie supplies that need to be combined via schematics, one chest with just magic stuff, and one chest with Oddball objects that I think may be quest related or I just don't know, so i saved them to be SAFE (including gems i find, since i have discovered gems can be used in various ways, like making those glasses, and also as OFFERINGS to certain GODS, for their blessings)
  6. Reko Kid

    Reko Kid New Member

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    Dec 31, 2001
    I gotta tell you that that last part there was pretty smart, and a good advice.
    But otherwise, about levels and stuff...
    Pretty much bull, depends on your combat tactics. I killed a Ore golem when I had level 7, all about testing.
    If you wanna know how:

    I counted the seconds for a dynamite to blow, around 8. Then I loaded and made him attack me and counted how far he walked in 8 seconds. Loaded again and threw a explosive grenade on him, didn´t hit the first time but that´s where the load function come in.
    Anyway, I threw the grenade, he attacked me, I dropped the dynamite, moved to "safe ground" and when he stepped on the dynamite it said boom and he was dead.

    See, if you´re smart and use the right equipment, or probably cheating to you, you can beat anything no matter what your level is.
  7. Cruor

    Cruor New Member

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    Jan 2, 2002
    Another good place to store your goods in Tarant is the guardsquarters at the end of the bridge... you'll have to picklock the door everytime you want in there but it's close to the startingpoint in tarant, always chuse places near the starting location saves you alot of running... I'm a expert in prowling and lockpick and I say it's not much I have to buy in this game... my storageplaces are full with stuff, it's very nice to be a thief! concentrating on Melee or firearms should get you through the game... or a thiefmage works aswell alot easier!
  8. YeaYea2001

    YeaYea2001 New Member

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    Nov 17, 2001
    Or convince Thruvid to join you, you get a better rep in his clan if you bring him back
  9. Lia

    Lia New Member

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    Jan 7, 2002
    You can make the glasses in Ashbury if you have a Kathorn Crystal.
  10. basset64

    basset64 New Member

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    Feb 8, 2002
    go back to ashbury and talk to the guy at "raymonds fine specticles" and ask him to make a special pair for you, but it will cost around 1000 coins
  11. JohnnyLNutz

    JohnnyLNutz New Member

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    Feb 13, 2002
    Okay I went to the Isle of Despair but I forgot to pick the glasses off Thorvold and I didnt get the schematics.. Now I cant get back to the island the captain wont talk to me.. Im kinda stuck on what to do??
  12. JohnnyLNutz

    JohnnyLNutz New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 13, 2002
  13. Raziell777

    Raziell777 New Member

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    Feb 9, 2002
    WHERE IS THAT MONSTER THAT I'M SUPPOSED TO KILL ON ISLE OF D.(guard outside the camp can give you that quest and for reward some kind of amulet)BUT,WHERE IS THAT MONSTER????
  14. kcwong

    kcwong New Member

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    Jan 8, 2002
    No need for so many caps...

    Stand at the entrance of the camp. Instead of entering it, walk around it on the West side (right-side of screen). Keep going North until you see a narrow path that takes you across the water. Cross the water (and this will make you go NW a bit). Now follow the coastline and go NE, so that you will be directly North of the camp. You should find some footprints there.

    Remember to save before closing in / before the fight.

    You'll get a not-so-useful item for killing the beast.... so if you've left the isle already, don't bother to load a save for that.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: kcwong on 2002-02-15 21:12 ]</font>
  15. pdsullivan

    pdsullivan New Member

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    Feb 12, 2002
    For getting the glasses, Thorvald Two-stones is wearing them. Pick pocket them off him or kill him, forget trying to make some. IF you've got reasonable persuasion and intelligence, you can persuade him to give them to you by asking him to come with you, he'll decline, tell him you need the spectacles anyway and that if caught you will say that you took them. At least that's the basics of it. BUT you've probably already lost that chance so just kill him and take the specs he's wearing.
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