I read a walkthrough that says at the end if you have Raven with you, you "get to shag her rotten." Twice I've played the game, but yet... no shagging.
Damn sure better!!!! That's the only reason I got her with me. Maybe you just weren't her type? :smile:
I read a thread about it once and seems like she was attracted to very few people really. Even an Elf with 20 CHarisma doesn't seem to be a sure winner.
I shagged her twice (maybe 3) with an elf character. Once on a beach (Thanatos I think) and once just before entering the Void at the Ring of Bolgar. We might have done it in the trees too. It has been awhile since the elf mage was my first go. A human technologist was my next and may have gotten lucky with Raven at the rings too; but by this time my arse was sore from all the arrows she put into it. Soon I figured it was better to leave her in the trees.