Where to go after Isle Of Despair?

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Gabby_Jay, Dec 12, 2001.

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  1. Gabby_Jay

    Gabby_Jay New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2001
    I took ore bender (sp?) the dwarf's advice and went to the isle of despair to find the black mountain clan. I talked to torvan (sp?) and he said I need glasses, but he won't give them to me. Where can I get a pair and where do I go after the Isle? O, and who is this Maxamillion fellow? One more thing, Feldon doesn't know, but where can I get a good bow? I bought a new one (elven hunting bow), but was wondering where a REALLY good one could be found. Also, where can I find good armor for Sod Mead Mogg (half-ogre I think...)? Any help and advice is welcome and appreciated.
  2. Davin

    Davin New Member

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    Nov 1, 2001
    get the glasses from Thorvald Two-Stones (i think that's his name) by any means necessary (yeah, kill his sorry ass if you want), then take them to the wheel clan (between the fork in the river, up north). if you stand in the stone box while wearing the glasses, the entrance will appear.

    ps- i love parentheses :smile:
  3. Feldon Kane

    Feldon Kane New Member

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    Nov 21, 2001
    Well, you didn't have to tell them I didn't know the answer! :grin:
    The fact is, I never use bows in the game. I think they suck. But, if you really want one, while you're visiting the Wheel Clan, get some Mithril Ore. When you reach the Elven city of Qintarra, give the Ore to an Elf there (Ellumyneminem or some such screwy name) and he'll give you a decent bow.
  4. James Watt

    James Watt New Member

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    Nov 28, 2001
    You don't have to kill Thorvald to get a pair of the special glasses; the guy at the spectacles shop in Ashbury can make you some if you have some kathorn crystal (you did save some, right? :wink:). Alternatively, you can get into Thorvald's chest when he's not looking, steal a schematic for them, and use kathorn crystal and spectacles make your own (if you are a thief/techie sort of character and prefer that sort of thing to getting them the conventional way).


    ps- yeah, parentheses are great! commas, semicolons, and colons, too! i love punctuation! :heart:

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: James Watt on 2001-12-11 21:39 ]</font>
  5. potoroo

    potoroo New Member

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    Nov 15, 2001
    If you have enought persuasion the dwarf can even give you his glasses and/or come with you.

  6. Odi

    Odi New Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    Bows are not so bad if you have a couple heavy melee fighters in your outfit. Elwin's is decent and a number of good bows can be found in the game leading up to creating the Pyrotechnic bow. My only gripe is keeping up with arrows. Unlike bullets, we cannot make our own arrows.

    There are some dangerous bows in the game too, so having them identified before use is always a good idea.
  7. Gabby_Jay

    Gabby_Jay New Member

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    Dec 10, 2001
    I used to find it had keeping up arrows, but these kite bowmen I've run into lately have kept my supply high.
  8. Shibo Ishi`ike

    Shibo Ishi`ike New Member

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    Dec 3, 2001
    (1) You can get the schematic from The Dwarf from the Isle if you steal it from his chest or Kill him and take his. This will cause you to Botch his quest if you accept telling the wheel clan where he is. (2) Maximillion was the first born for the Kingdom of Cumbria.(3) You can get a nice bow in the elven city. (4) After you get the glasses go to the wheel clan place that way you will get to go to Stillwater. :smile:
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