OT but Did Anyone Try AdAware?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Feldon Kane, Dec 8, 2001.

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  1. Arnica

    Arnica New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 11, 2001
    Someone asked for some sites for information. Hope these help

    Excellent site on spyware etc


    General site for just about any tool you'll need


    Good list of ports and their uses

    http://www.networkice.com/advice/exploi ... efault.htm

    Good source of information on what you're seeing with your firewall


    Lots of tools to track down who is knocking on your door


    AdAware direct


    Proxomitron - for further security and privacy


    Trojan and worm protection software


    Some good link to other security sites

  2. Feldon Kane

    Feldon Kane New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 21, 2001
    Thanks for that info, and welcome to the forum. :wavey:
  3. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2001
    I once had around 60 attacks clocked by the firewall in less than a minute. Someone must have tried to invade me with some program.
    I must tell you Milo, you really got me by suprise, since you behave like you are really well aware of the internet. And then you got the firewall trouble. :hidepc:
  4. Otto Krupp

    Otto Krupp New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 9, 2001
    Thanks for welcome. Debated and debated and finally bought Arcanum this week, very happy with it:)

    I use Zonealarm freebie myself also and have had nothing but good luck for around 2 1/2 years. Got it after it was discovering an online game I was playing alot opened up two obscure ports and some low-lifes in the community were using them to attempt to hack peoples computers. Pretty slick set up too. The little buggers would throw up a server for bait and get your IP from it and go straight for the open ports.

    Another bonus from Zonealarm is the email virus protection. A freind mine got infected and the virus did the usual routine of emailing itself and ZA quarantined both emails. NOTE if you get an email that has a .zl6 attachment and the icon looks like envelope with a padlock on it that means ZA has quarantined it and you should nuke it immediately. Still its not a replacement for a good virus scanner as I think it only targets viruses that use scripts.

    Thanks for tip on Google, I'll give it try. Altavista has been ticking me off with the pop-ups.

    Oh yeah if you want to find out something about an IP address use one of those "whois" services. Haven't tried the one built into ZA lately is it back up?

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Otto Krupp on 2001-12-10 11:48 ]</font>
  5. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    Well, Feldon, I decided to install and run ADAware on this computer (I still live at home, it's my mum's and I don't have my own internet connection. Sue me, I may have finished school, but I still don't have a job). Anyway, I ran ADAware and found something like 92 instances of spyware (folders, registry keys etc etc etc). Got rid of them all, now I have to restart to see what effect it has on the computer :smile:.

    You wouldn't have believed how much Aureate and Comet Cursor crap was on the computer - Aureate and Comet Cursor are the tools of the Devil! All spyware is the tool of the Devil!

    Thanks for the advice Feldon, I'm sure the sectors on the hard disk that were obliged to store this trash thank you as well :smile:.
  6. monkeypunch

    monkeypunch New Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 21, 2001
    fact of the the hour: after running my computer for one week, without shutting it down, i collected 20 objects of spyware this morning(ít was eating grass, and i needed to clear the system, so i rebooted).

    adWare is good simply put.
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