So here I am with Master Melee already and Druella hates me, but I found Adkins and agreed to off Garrick Stout. I do so and collect his eyes to prove to Adkins that I did the deed. I search the body for the potion which is supposed to cure his blindness and reunite him with Druella, and I can't find it! Hunh? Is this a bug? Or is there something I needed to do earlier? I did not betray Druella, but forced her to come with me when I did the Melee quest. After killing Stout, however, she tells me to "take the potion to Adkin", but there's no potion! Request advice. Adkin will train me in Master Dodge, but I really want to unite the two, from an RPG standpoint.
stout hasn't the potion on him, you can only have the potion by doing his quest, he will give it to you through the dialog.
Bummer In other words, to do this good quest of uniting Adkins and Druella, I have to first do bad by refusing to kill Stout right off and actively betraying Druella. Damn.
The story goes best if you talk to the dodge master first, then then the melee master for future reference.
I think for me druella agree to make as if she would marry to stout, then stout give me the potion as a reward for retrieving druella, I receive my mastery in melee and then I kill him when druella ask for that in the dialog box... hope that help you.