Has anyone tried making a blend character with theraputics and ability enhancing magic? Can both be used on the character at the same time? If no one has, I'll try it tonight... ~Aldin
I know this is tacky, double-posting and all, but I didn't know if an edit would show that there is new content. I tried the Theraputics/Magick combo and it works! 6 point ST boost!!! Might make for in interesting character... ~Aldin
Huh.. interesting.. possible Uber character material... Wouldn't even matter what side you leaned towards.. you could woop anyone! Flipz
The first character that I had I tried this with and it worked not too bad. I was running him fairly neutral so things worked good. With my next char, he's about 50 in overall tech with no spell schools at all. When he first started Virgil could heal him not too bad. Once the tech skill started to climb and Virgil casted a healing spell on him, very few HPs would recoup. Same goes if I use a healing salve on myself. I get a good heal, but V doesn't get as many points back as he did at the start of the game. I have found the same when using the rejuvinators.