Hardcore Dark Elven Nudist

Discussion in 'Arcanum Discussion' started by Aestu, Jan 24, 2016.

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  1. Aestu

    Aestu New Member

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    Jul 23, 2015
    I noticed the dark elven females with the Amazon-type outfits in T'sen Ang, and, not going to lie, I was curious. I decided to use the cheesy DM/RS exploit to permanently mind control one. They have very good stats and can use all equipment - unlike the widower archers who will not equip new bows if their bow is taken from them, I've tried it - but what the dark elven amazonesses will not do, is equip new body armor. Gauntlets, helms and boots yes - body armor, no.

    I can only assume they're that hardcore? Is there a way around this and do they get some kind of bonus in their base stats to overcome the unwillingness to use armor? How is the behavior even programmed in?

    I mentioned they have very good stats and skills. Although they have fairly high skill levels, they don't have any rank in those skills. Is there any way to train them, with Educator or through levelling, or do DM'd companions always have the skill rank they start out with?

    What are the best DM'd companions, including monsters? I'm looking for some options more obscure than Lianna, Shalmo or Stout. Particularly would like some healer NPCs. Suggestions?
  2. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    Some npcs have fixed or limited avatars, so they never equip armor, or only some armor. Rizzette, '[dark]elf villager"s and bedokaan, for example. It isn't behavior so much as the game art.

    The best mind controlled followers? Hmm...

    A few have the scheme "Mage warrior good", like Dante, and they make good healers. The magic smith in tarant, is another. The sheriff of shrouded hills, Doc Whatshisname, has expert healing and firearms, of course, but everywhere he goes, hypnotised or not, he goes on about killing you for taking him away from shrouded hills. It gets a little annoying.

    In WIP the new towns are filled with guard who are experts in melee and healing, and the "Sheriff" in Marcyona is a good substitute for Doc Something.

    Monsters:- baleful hounds, lethe wyvern and the bogaroth are effective and subject to the DW spell. Dread crystal spider and brute fangs are more effective, but control animal is needed. I suggest none of the above, but the spider is easily my favourite.

    Educator works on mind controlled npcs, and should definitely be used. All you need to look at is the level up scheme, and avoid those with "no scheme".
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
  3. Aestu

    Aestu New Member

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    Jul 23, 2015
    Good info, Yitz!

    What do you mean by "avatar"?

    Where can I find the scheme?
  4. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    Avatar is the sprite or the little guy who runs around on the screen. The actual picture(s) of the character. So Rizzette is painted in his civilian costume, and that's that. Gilbert Bates wears a nice suit whether or not he's carrying one, etc. Other npcs, like orcs, are limited to dread armor mostly due to the time limits on programming all the possible costumes for every sprite, I suppose.

    The level up scheme is listed when you press the lightning bolt symbol button on the top-right of a character sheet. You can also select an automatic level up scheme for your PC. It is an often overlooked feature. You can see it with read aura too so you can pick your targets.

    P.s., Swyft, in Qintarra, is an amazon-dressed warrior-mage-good.
    Aestu likes this.
  5. Aestu

    Aestu New Member

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    Jul 23, 2015
    Checked. Bowman scheme. Will bow skill become trained automatically, or would I have to do it?
  6. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    Oh. The schemes are different in WIP then.

    You'll have to train her yourself, but the guards in Dernholm are expert bowmen, even in vanilla, as are Raven and Waromon.

    WIP adds a lot of skill training to all the npcs as well as a ton of new locations.
  7. Aestu

    Aestu New Member

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    Jul 23, 2015
    I tried WIP and detested it because the copywriting was so bad and feminist. The patch came off as very intrusive. I'm running UAP.

    I usually BS my way to expert in all skills by abusing skill bonus equipment - equipping, training then de-equipping.
  8. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    And yet, how can you cast reflection shield on a mind controlled target in UAP?

    I thought it was impossible by design, as a bug-fix.
  9. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    What ytzk says is true, their were limited sprites for the different characters so that's why you can't equip armour (for example, it's why Gar can only wear the barbarian line of clothing). I would probably try her with a variety of armours just to makes sure there's definitely nothing she can wear (chain mail, barbarian clothing, plate mail, robes, leathers, etc.)

    Failing that, as you're clearly a fan of the spell reflecting technique thingie, you can always perma-cast something like Shield of Force onto her - which has pretty sweet defenses so long as you're max aptitude. Might be a bit of a workaround if she really can't wear anything.
  10. Aestu

    Aestu New Member

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    Jul 23, 2015
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  11. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010

    Good old Muro.

    Whether an exploit or a feature it adds replayability to the meta sandpit.
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