Need some help regarding UAP.

Discussion in 'Arcanum Discussion' started by Heim, Feb 13, 2015.

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  1. Heim

    Heim New Member

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    Feb 13, 2015
    I have the UAP installed and I experienced the Half Ogre Island bug where upon landing the Ship's captain is gone and you're now stuck at the island. I just wandered around until he re-appeared.

    However, this got me wondering whether the UAP had installed correctly so after reading the changelogs a bit I decide to go and resurrect the dead half ogre in Caladon Sewers with my identified magick beans. If the Ogre resurrects, then the game's not patched. Long story short, the beans aren't working either. I get no cursor to select a resurrection target. I even killed my companion to try and resurrect him.

    It's been over 5 years since I last played this game, and after this incident I've just done a clean reinstall and I'm willing to give it another go but I want to make sure this time the game is patched correctly this time.

    I did the human/half elf thing but I'm not sure what that's supposed to accomplish, so are there any other quick ways to verify that the game's been patched correctly?

    I have the GOG version (Old CDs are dead), which is already patched to 0.74 with Drog's latest patch and the HighRes patch on top.
  2. Heim

    Heim New Member

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    Feb 13, 2015
    Sorry to double post. If I understood correctly from a couple of searches I did there should be different sprites for Half-Elf and Human MALE characters in the patched game. I quickly created two and indeed the sprites differ.

    Let's suppose the patch is working, why did I get stuck at Half Ogre Island and why aren't the beans working?

    I pasted the saves into this new installation folder and I still get stuck at Half Ogre Island / the beans don't work.

    EDIT: I did a new install on a different location, didn't patch it, and now the Human and Half-Elf Models are the same. In addition, I can cancel ongoing converstations by clicking on the hotkeys shortcut. This leads me to believe my other installation has been patched. Now the question is:

    a) Was the Half Ogre Island bug never fixed?
    b) Did those magick beans ever did anything or is this just a sophisticated troll job that has endured the passing of years? (I really can't remember if in my previous playthroughs I ever used those seeds)
    c) Maybe the game is partially patched for whatever reason?
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2015
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