Advancing too quickly?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bryant1380, Nov 28, 2001.

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  1. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    I am a level 26 mage. Have all force spells, and all conveyance (isn't that the one with teleportation?) Anyway, my willpower is 18, and everything else is 8-10. It doesn't seem as if I am as able to persuade people as much as when I began the game. For instance, I was not able to persuade Loghaire Thunderstone to rejoin his clan. Do you think I put to many points into spells right off the bat, and I maybe need to work on some of my other areas? Oh yeah, am apprentice in haggle, persuasion, and spot trap. I am already about to go to quintarra. Do I need to back off the main quest for a while and build up skill in other areas? If so, where do I need to go to build up some points. Traveling about at random on the world map(a ploy I used as a newbie, to build up rank fast) does not provide with enough high level beasts.... Your thoughts?

    Ioo is my hero.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: bryant1380 on 2001-11-28 14:14 ]</font>
  2. Feldon Kane

    Feldon Kane New Member

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    Nov 21, 2001
    Did you talk with Randver about Dwarven philosophy? You need that info to get Loghaire to join. You'll need more INT and maybe expert Persuasion.
    As to getting points, I do all the quests.
  3. FluffyLittleRabbit

    FluffyLittleRabbit New Member

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    Nov 13, 2001
    You should get Fire elemental, good for the fireflash and firewall spell. Have you ever tried killing 7 demons surrounding you in 2 hits with fireflash? Also, the monsters in Arcanum is too dumb, cast a firewall in front of you and when they whack you they take damage.
    Get Black Necronmatic too. Harm is the best and cheapest spell in game, you'll kill anything in 1-5 hits. Summon undead is not really good but when ur 100% magic aptitude it summons a Undead Champion. Create Undead is good. You can reanimate any dead character to help you fight. Imagine, you just busted a boss and u can reanimate him to help you fight. And if the boss got real high damage, wow ur invincible.
    Get White Necromatic too. Resurrect is handy, cause ur followers always want to be a hero but gets killed instead. If u got dog in ur party, u wont have to worry.
    Alright thats all ur a fine mage at least better than me :smile:.
    Darn it I was a fool for investing in Temporal! Hey, is phantasm any good?
  4. Feldon Kane

    Feldon Kane New Member

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    Nov 21, 2001
    Howdy, FLR.
    I'd skip Phantasm if I were you. Every time I became invisible and made Virgil the Dumbass wait so I could do some thieving, Virgil the Dumbass was gone when I returned. I guess he thought I was gone forever, so he went home.
  5. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    Perriman Smythe doesn't do anything with his Phantasm least, he doesn't do much. Never casted invisibility...
  6. Demen

    Demen New Member

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    Nov 28, 2001

    If you choose Master of force disintegrate will cost 25 fatigue, Disintigrate does a few thousand hp electrical damage...
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