some townsfolk mention that there is an evil there. Go and find out. SAVE before entering on a seperate slot. there is something that I will not mention(spoilish)that can decrease your follower reaction towards you.
jinxed, I have already gone through a little of the castle, killing a few skeletons, but I haven't found or done anything in the castle yet....Is that ok?
I did not want to spoil telling you what creatures are in the castle. anyway killing tattered bowman seems to sometimes lower your reaction. After one fight I suddenly saw that my character was shoting first virgil and before getting whacked by dante I noticed that they hated me. loaded before the last fight, saw they both were around 10. then experimented and I saw their reaction drop as I smoked one of the bowman. same thing happens with kite bowman. The only difference is that when you have sogg he says something about killing good creatures. In the case of undead Dante sometimes complaines
Don't do it! Don't do it! It's not a real club if you let everyone in! :smile: Doh! Too late. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Feldon Kane on 2001-11-28 16:13 ]</font>
don't worry Kane, We still are the only team that is sincire about the game code level. I'm just spreading the word.
what "club"? also, I have killed 100's of kite bowmen before, never seemed to impair their reaction. And I have Magnus, that little whiner bizatch. Seriously, what "club"? And "game code level"? What's goin on, guys?? _________________ Ioo is my hero. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: bryant1380 on 2001-11-28 16:21 ]</font>
After the patch I didn't have that reaction problem. Oh yes, and just to mention something that I thought was amusing, if you resurrect the dead guard in one of the rooms, he'll still be in skeleton form. A talking skeleton guard. Kind of odd.