Kay, so I got quench life and I was slightly disappointed due to the fact it sucked in every possible way. I was wondering if there would be a way to turn it into a 'save or die' attack.
Maybe late but i found a (for the moment) working version to make Quench Life that way by replacing the spell in SpellList.mes: // 59 -- Quench Life {3950}{AoE: Tgt_None, [Begin]AoE: Tgt_Obj_T_Critter | Tgt_Obj_No_Self | Tgt_Obj_No_ST_Critter_Dead | Tgt_Obj_No_ST_Critter_Undead | Tgt_Obj_No_ST_Critter_Mechanical, [Callback]AoE: Tgt_Object} {3951}{Cost: 50, Resist: (stat_constitution @ 0), Info: aggressive} {3954}{AI_Offensive: 17} {3955}{[Begin], Type: EyeCandy, 2, Add, Play: Callback} {3956}{[Begin], Type: ObjFlag, obj_f_critter_flags, OCF_PARALYZED, FLAG_ON} {3957}{[Callback], Type: ObjFlag, obj_f_critter_flags, OCF_PARALYZED, FLAG_OFF} {3958}{[Callback], Type: Damage, Dmg: 1} Do not ask why this work. First i had "{3958}{[Callback], Type: Damage, Dmg_Flags: Full | Death}" but when you playing on hard, you get the bug with only dealing 75% damage of the remaining Health so you can't kill with the spell. For the thread creator here are all infos for editing SpellList.mes: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=18285