Dante is at an all time low of 11% liking me (he is very close to hating me). Is there a way to make him like me (prolly not as he's supposed to be in Dernholm being honoured etc.. )? If there is no way to make him like me, is there a way to have him not attack you at 0%? Can you make him wait if he's at 0% liking, and if so, will he rejoin you or attack you when you meet again?
Hi! had the same problem with Dante...there is nothing you can give or do to increase his "liking" to you! Do not make him wait...if you do...(especially if he hates you) he will never rejoin your group.... He has been <10 hatred to me but still performs his duties in the group...not attacking me...so its best to keep him if you want to...or replace him with raven afterwards... :smile:
Well, Raven joined and now I have that other wizard from tarant too - don't know what his uses are yet. It's just that Dante has been around since pretty early in the game, and he is a pretty good killer, I don't want to lose him. I did find a trick however, the fancy clothes, which raise the reaction also work, so I guess I can make him wait and all, as long as I wear the clothes when I ask him to rejoin. Still is rather bothersome, as no stray arrow may hit him, or he'll attack me. :sad:
if he gets killed, when you ressurect him his reaction should be reset. works with all follwers. last time I checked it worked
the smoking jacket won't work every time...coz I had mine on and he still hated me! :smile: I think jinxed suggestion might work
You sly bastard :wink: Ask him some questions if you can, and see what's wrong and what you can do to improve the situation. Save before asking though, not having the item leads to them liking you even less...