Items Spells Skills Stats Usefullness and Maximization

Discussion in 'Arcanum Discussion' started by Leonidus, Mar 15, 2012.

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  1. Leonidus

    Leonidus Member

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    Dec 4, 2011
    Some people are still discovering this great game, as I did in November 2011 I think it was. Yet there doesn't seem to be easy access to quality information so that people can readily get a grip on what they need to do with their character for success/optimization.

    So, I started a text file which I plan on developing into a basic faq for people who just want 1. to know what character development they need to be good at which character types and 2. to know what items spells or skills are generally the best.

    I plan on working with it more to include full maximization of stats and damage and so on, listing the absolute best your character can get and how. That will take the most time, and that's really why I need some community input, for some things I might have overlooked in (only) 4 playthroughs. The game is originally so easy that you don't need to max your character in the least, but a lot of rpg players like to push the limits of the system and their heroes.

    As a disclaimer, I know that there are plenty more to add to this right now, I'm by no means a total arcanum noob, I just wrote this up this morning from memory. I've looked into the weapons database and at item stats in detail, I know the blessings give you great bonuses and the final blessing gives extreme bonuses, I just haven't finished that part yet. Your input does make it easier though. In particular, some things I've never used would be easy for me to leave out (vendrigoth war gauntlets, tesla coil for example).

    Here's what I have so far:
    -Edited with near final version 3/21/2012-


    What Every Hero Needs To Know FAQ


    by Leonidusx

    for Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura Unoffical Arcanum Patch v091225

    copyright 2012


    I came to love this game when I found it a decade after its release, but found there was no real quality explanation of the game to players, and a complete lack of important character information. My love for the game made me want to change that, to let others appreciate this game like I do.

    This faq is for the beginning arcanum player most of all, but also any player who wants a good guide as a reference to character creation. It is for anything that will make the game easier: beginning tips, explanations of character development, and the optimization of heroes, particularly in combat. Consider it an easy reference for quality character creation/development planning, powerful item collection, combat usefulness, and general game information regarding what will affect your character's stats and how.

    It is based on the fan patch version of Arcanum by Drog Black Tooth version 091225.

    Special Thanks
    Thanks to Troika for the amazing game. They must've spent countless hours on all the little things which we can now spend infinite hours enjoying. Thank you for the masterpeice that is this game.

    Thanks to Drog Black Tooth for the patches. They allow the beauty of this masterpeice game to be seen.

    Thanks to Muro from Terra Arcanum for his extensive weapon database, which allows easy comparison for item damage.

    Finally, thanks to the arcanum community, specifically Terra Arcanum. It was through a lot of extensive personal testing that I have examined much of the game mechanics, but without the Terra Arcanum forum's deep understanding of every detail, I could not have completed this faq.


    For ingame options, I recommend the highest difficulty setting, and turn based combat mode as default. Otherwise, combat becomes very silly very quickly. You can change combat mode at will using the space bar. In the beginning, when it can take many strikes to even land a hit on an enemy, its easier to use real time combat. Set Floaters to verbose so that you can see proper damage and information.

    GAME submenu in options:


    VIDEO submenu in options:

    The first thing you should do after installing arcanum is downloading the final official patch and then downloading the unofficial arcanum patch. This fixes countless bugs and makes your game a lot better experience. Then you should install the High Resolution Patch and the Level Cap Remover (install level cap remover now so you don't even have to worry about it later). I also recommend downloading the arcanum manual, as a reference. Then, create a shortcut to your Arcanum.exe and right click the shortcut, go to properties, and under the Target (where it shows what the shortcut links to) add [[-scrolldist:0]] (without the brackets) at the end, after the quotation marks which contain the file location. This let's you freely scroll in the game to see surrounding area, and is incredibly annoying to play without. For example my shortcut Target looks like:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\\Arcanum\Arcanum.exe" -scrolldist:0

    The Level Cap Remover is not cheap or cheating, because firstly the game difficulty is not hard to begin with and secondly you can sometimes reach the exp cap midway through the game if you enjoy exploration, so it really just removes an inclination to stop your journey early and start a new hero.

    Note that Drog Black Tooth made the unofficial patch, the high resolution patch, and the level cap remover, and we are all indebted to his service for doing so. Three cheers for Drog! What a classy gent.

    Final Official Patch (ENGLISH VERSION) ... n_1074.exe

    Final Unofficial Arcanum Patch ... 091225.exe

    High Resolution Patch ... es1.1a.exe

    Arcanum Universal Level Cap Remover ...

    Arcanum Manual ...



    -Like Diablo, the red bar is hp, the blue bar is fatigue (endurance for spells, taking blows, attacking and running).

    -Esc is menu

    -Space bar switches between turn based and combat mode. If you see green lights in a row, you are in turn based combat.

    -Sometimes in turn based combat it seems like an offscreen unit is taking an infinite turn. Press space bar twice to stop this. You will lose a turn.

    -R enters or exits combat mode. You can tell you are combat mode if the cursor is a sword instead of a pointer, and if you have a weapon equipped it will be drawn in a battle stance. You cannot leave combat mode while under attack.

    -Right click can also leave combat mode.

    -Running while in combat reduces fatigue. Doing this unknowingly at the start can cause irritating bouts of unconsciousness. Leave combat mode to stop this.

    -S brings down the sleep menu, if you are allowed to sleep there. You can bring this menu by also clicking the box where it originates, left of the day/night display. You cannot sleep in dungeons, or while in combat. You can sleep in the outdoors, and can wait while in towns.

    -W brings up the map, either for a town, a dungeon, or the world map for fast travelling.

    -After setting waypoints on the map, they can be deleted in reverse order using the Delete key (not backspace).

    -You can interrupt your travel over the world map by pressing W. You will stop right where you are.

    -L brings up the log book, with tabs on the right edge for notes, quests, blessings, and more.

    -O is options

    -I is your inventory.

    -To see party members inventory, talk to them about it. Red arrows by their name in the party inventory screen allow for switching to others easily.

    -C opens your character stats.

    -To see party members character stats, talk to them about it. Red arrows by their name in the party stats screen allow for switching to others easily.

    -To place an item into a hotkey, drag it from inventory into the two sets of 5 slots between your hp and fatigue bar. You can activate the item using the associated number 1 thru 0 on the keyboard. This is the only way to use some items, like the shovel on a grave for example.

    -You can temporarily store large items like this without them taking up inventory space, but to return to inventory them you will need the available space.

    -To pick locks, purchase a lockpick and place the lockpick into a hotkey.

    -Spells or activated skills (like theiving) can also be placed into hotkeys. Open their button menus by your fatigue bar.

    -T opens the tech crafting menu. Notice the two buttons, one with a graduation cap and the other with a scroll. Those switch between learned and found schematics. The tabs on the right edge switch between tech disciplines. To look at more schematics from the selected discipline, click the arrow at the top right (if you know more than one schematic!). Press the button with the two arrows pointing inward to attempt to create the item. It will work only if you have the components required AND the expertise required.

    -Tech expertise required is shown as the number at the bottom right in the component box and the discipline is the symbol in the top right. Your current expertise is shown as a number in the character stats screen on the tech discipline selected. An item might need 2 different disciplines with 2 different levels of expertise as a requirement, and both must be at or above their respective requirements to craft the item.

    -Found schematics must be learned by right clicking them from your inventory.

    -If you are in combat mode, hold alt and click in a direction to force yourself to attack whatever is there. This is how you bash down doors, attack friendly things, and generally use your sword on things that just clicking isn't doing the trick for.

    -Holding alt and clicking something (enemy, doors, etc) while a gun is equipped will fire at that target while standing from your current position.

    -When directly near a corpse you can hold alt and click the corpse to drag it to your position. This is good for covering up some murders.

    -Spells typically need a direct line of sight to be cast.

    -At the top of the screen directly in the middle is where your sustained spells display. The empty boxes fill when a spell is sustained as an effect. Right click on one to cancel a sustained spell.

    -On the top of the screen there is an infinity symbol with a number below it. That number is the amount of fate points you have, which are gained by making certain decisions throughout the game.

    -Click the button next to the infinity symbol to bring down the fate point menu. This lists all possible fate point effects and selecting one spends a fate point. 100% Pickpocketing success is particularly useful at times on a non-theif character.

    -You can issue orders to party members using the F1 thru F5 keys. F3 and F4 are not particularly useful.

    -F1 moves them to where your cursor is

    -F2 makes them try to attack what your cursor is on (including doors, chests, not just enemies)

    -F5 makes them try to stop attacking


    -F7 is Quicksave

    -F8 Is Quickload

    -You will need a shovel to advance through the main storyline!

    -What people say is important! Don't skip it unless you know what they say from a previous playthrough!

    -Explore! There's a whole world out there, and there is ALWAYS more to it than you know. People are still finding things out about this game 10 years later.


    Melee fighters are looking for STR and DEX.

    Gunslingers are looking for DEX and PER. INT allows you to create good guns, but all guns can be found.

    Mages are looking for WILL. Magic aptitude and int are welcome, but not the main focus at character creation.

    Do not be female.

    Half-Ogres are the best melee fighters. +4 STR and +10DR is just amazing. Orcs come in 2nd.

    Halflings are the best for guns, but really any race is ok for guns. Ogres can use rifles but not pistols.

    Elves and gnomes are the best mages.

    Choose race and backgrounds for stats OR DR.

    Do not choose race and backgrounds for items, gold, npc reactions, magic/tech aptitude, or bonuses to skills.

    For starting items buy a staff, rapier, and lockpick.

    ALL CHARACTERS HAVE A MUCH EASIER START IF YOU USE BEGINNING CHARACTER POINTS ON THE LESSER HEALING SPELL, 2 POINTS INTO MELEE SKILL (REQ. 9 DEX), AND ONE POINT OF PERSUASION. The fifth point is typically necessary to raise the regular 8 dex to 9 for the 2nd rank of melee.

    Backgrounds good for melee fighters:

    Ran away with the circus +6 STR (generally the best fighting background)
    Troll Offspring +2 STR +1 DEX
    Tough Hide +10DR (orc or ogre only)
    Escaped Lunatic +25 DR
    Raised in the pits +2 STR +2 DEX +combat skills
    Beat with an ugly stick +2 STR +2 DEX

    Backgrounds good for gunslingers:

    Raised by orcs +2 PER +2 STR (generally best gunslinger background)
    Raised by monks +1 PER no penalties
    Beat with an ugly stick +2 DEX
    Raised in the pits +2 DEX -6 INT
    Feral Child +3 DEX -6 INT
    Miracle operation is PER +5, which might seem like a good idea but the DEX -3 is so limiting that it just isn't worth it.
    Escaped lunatic +25 DR
    Sickly +6 INT -1 DEX -2 STR

    Backgrounds good for mages:

    Only Child +6 WILL (easily the best mage background)
    Escaped lunatic +25 DR
    Dark Elf +2 WILL elf only


    Note that the most important part of Arcanum is that you can get through the game with ANY PLAYSTYLE, and a hero of almost every type can do extremely well in battle using the right tactics, items, and so on. SO DON'T BE AFRAID TO PLAY A CRAZY HERO! You will be so pleasantly surprised. This faq is not for placing fun limitations on heroes however, but rather is intended for optimization.

    A magic using, melee and dodge mastered, maximum strength and dex hero who uses fireflash and time spells, wearing heavy armor, rings of protection, the finger of mannox as a necklace, and a good melee weapon with a shield.

    This is because magic items are easier to use and find than tech items, many of the best items are magic, and tech heroes have a harder time healing (potions and heal spells don't work on them, requiring you to craft herbal mixtures).

    Melee has a plentiful amount of easily found amazing weapons, applies the huge strength damage bonus and requires no purchase of ammunition.

    STR and DEX are the two most important combat stats for melee fighters. A 24 strength ogre receives +28 damage per hit. 20 dex gives 25 speed.

    Fireflash can easily destroy large groups of powerful enemies.

    Time spells can increase your speed to insane levels, and reduce the enemies as well. STR and DEX boosting spells are available from the very beginning, and can help immensely before you max STR and DEX with points.


    C opens the character stat screen, where you see your stats. Most important are the basic attribute stats (STR, DEX, WILL, INT most of all) and then below that the damage resistance, bonus damage (which is determined by strength), armor class adjustment (determined by dex), and speed (character speed, which is also determined by dex). You can also easily see your max hp and fatigue here (red and blue).

    The vertical bar on the right shows magic/tech aptitude.

    The circular meter on the left shows evil/good alignment (notice E&G is written into the center of it).

    AC and Damage can be seen in the inventory screen. Press I and hover the mouse over the sword or the shield with the red and blue background on the bottom corners of your personal equipment. The sword shows damage dealt and chance to hit. The Shield will show your AC and resistances.

    Your skills are in the character stat screen. The three buttons to the right of your name select different menus for your hero's skills. Each of those menus has more menu buttons directly below it (for choosing different spell schools, tech disciplines, or skill types). When you have character points, you can click where the + marks are to increase skills, and if you haven't closed the menu, you can click the - parts to undo the skill increase. Once the menu is closed, character points spent are permanent and cannot be undone. Notice the + and - on the hp and fatigue, it can be easy to overlook.


    At level 1, you receive 5 character points (CP). You receive 1 character point for each level, except every 5th level you get 2 instead of 1 (levels 5, 10, 15, etc). That's 15 total CP at level 10, 39 at level 30, and 73 at level 50.

    CP can raise basic attribute stats (DEX STR CON INT WILL BEA CHA PER) or the vitality stats directly (HP, FATIGUE) or learn spells, skills, and tech disciplines. One character point spent raises a stat by 1, except hp and fatigue which raise by 4. One character point learns one spell, one skill rank, or one tech discipline level.

    HP and FATIGUE will automatically raise at level up, without spending any of your character points.

    The basic attribute stats normally cap at 20. If your RACE (NOT BACKGROUND OR SEX) adjusts it, the cap is increased by a bonus or reduced by a penalty. If your RACE lowers a cap below 20, then your BACKGROUND or SEX bonuses can raise the cap UP TO 20, not beyond. BACKGROUND or SEX penalties will lower caps, EXCEPT A STR CAP RAISED BY RACE. All ingame effects on the basic attribute stats will abide by these limits set at character creation.

    Formulas for simplification, depending on wether race adds, subtracts, or does not affect the stat:

    20 + RACE + or - BACKGROUND + or - SEX = CAP


    20 + or - BACKGROUND + or - SEX = CAP LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 20

    STR CAP:

    20 + RACE = CAP


    20 + or - BACKGROUND + or - SEX = CAP LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 20

    It is important to note that there are ways to temporarily raise stats through spells, items, and potions, then learn what you'd like to which requires that stat while it is temporarily boosted without investing character points. These will not raise stats beyond their caps.

    Through use of the elixirs of intelligence (sold at stores featuring magical potions) you can gain +10 to int, then spend points only on raising your technical field, and saving the points otherwise necessarily spent on intelligence. Purchasable technical manuals allow the proficiency to then craft items learned in this way while never raising intelligence.

    The single point spent into the agility of fire spell allows you to train high in many crucial combat skills, without investing necessary dex into them. However, in the dex instance, it is not practicable as the combat skills revert to their previous level after the effect ends and the dex requirement is not met (so you have to cast agility of fire before you fight each time). But, items which have +dex will maintain their bonus as long as they are worn. The charged rings (+2 dex, tech) and gloves of dexterity (+2 dex, magical) are useful for this.

    Blessings provide permanent bonuses to stats. Blessings will not raise a stat above it's max. They are almost all gained from providing the right offering at an altar to a god. The best blessing is from the final offering quest.

    Blessings which are not offerings:
    +npc reaction modifier from Arbalah's quest in beginning of game.
    +1 beauty from stillwater temple quest. Keeping the statue in your inventory instead gives DEX -3, CHA +1, BEA +2.
    +1 charisma from siding with Madam Toussade in the crystal ball quest (Tarant). Only given if you have completed the painting heist quest first.

    Two things near the very end of the game give a huge permanent bonus to attributes: the vivifier potion (+1 all stats) and the final offering blessing, which gives +4 DEX, +100 HP, +100 Fatigue, 30 damage resistance, and significant bonuses to melee, dodge, lockpick, persuasion, and firearms. Planning your hero around this takes either extreme patience or going to secret areas far in advance of the storyline.


    Overall: if you want good fighting, max your weapon skill first, so go for dex then str. Dex first lets you get the skills you need to even hit the enemy, as well as good speed. Str then brings in the damage. If you need access to spells, willpower. If you are crafting as a technician, then get intelligence. Charisma, Intelligence, and Beauty can impact dialogue options. There are some lesser negligible effects of attribute stats which are not mentioned in their description here.

    Race, Background, and Sex decisions at character creation should be made with these stat facts in mind, unless you make those decisions based on roleplay reasons and not benefit reasons.

    -Increases speed and AC.
    -Because DEX increases speed, it is good on any hero.
    -Character speed increases by 1 per dex until 20, where it is increased by 6 (25 speed at 20 DEX). After 20 it increases by 1 again.
    -AC reduced by 1 for each point below 10, increased by 1 for each point above 10. 20 DEX gives 10 AC.
    -Also allows you to learn many of the fighting skills (dodge, melee, backstab)
    -Also allows thieving skills (pickpocket, lockpick). You can get through the game easily without pickpocketing, and don't need lockpick if you have good magic ability using unlocking cantrip. So nonmagic theives need lockpicking, magic users need unlock spell.
    -For Tech heroes, 2 points into the electricity discipline allows you to craft 2 charged rings (DEX +2 each) for yourself, giving 4 dex as long as they are worn for only 2 character points. This can be done near the very beginning of the game. If tech aptitude goes below about 14, you will only get 1 dex each, making it silly.

    -Gives damage bonuses in melee combat and gives item carrying capacity.
    -STR below 10 gives damage penalties.
    -Each point of STR over 10 gives 1 bonus damage, until 20 which gives a huge 11 damage bonus.
    -Each point beyond 20 gives 2 bonus damage.
    -10 STR is 0 bonus, 19 is 9 bonus, 20 is 20 bonus, 26 is 32 bonus.

    -Highest concern for mages, as it allows spells to be learned.
    -Learning spells is what raises your magic aptitude, which determines the power of many spell effects.
    -This is why high WILL is important at mage character creation. You can immediately begin learning the best spells and get MA, instead of picking a few bad ones to raise MA.
    -Each school of magic has 5 spells.
    -Required WILL to learn: 6,9,12,15,18.

    -Allows technicians to learn disciplines for craftable items.
    -Each discipline has 7 levels to learn.
    -Required INT to learn:5,8,11,13,15,17,19
    -Luxury for mages.
    -Allows more spells to be maintained
    -INT/4 = allowable maintained spells
    -20 int can sustain 5 spells at the same time.
    -Rarely affects important dialogue options

    -Important for ranged fighters.
    -Also affects prowling, but prowling can be easily ignored throughout the game.

    -CHARISMA/4 = followers allowed (+1 if persuasion expert)
    -Rather negligible unless going for a character or party theme.
    -20 Charisma and expert persuasion allows 6 companions.
    -A few companions will join regardless of the cap, but most will not go over the limit.
    -Rarely affects important dialogue options

    -Only affects how people react to you, negligible importance.

    -Affects hp and fatigue, which you will gain plenty of through leveling up (without spending character points). Negligible.

    HEALTH (HP) (red)
    -Max increases automatically with levels.
    -Your health.
    -You die when this is 0 (surprise!)

    FATIGUE (FT) (FTG) (blue)
    -Max increases automatically with levels.
    -When this is 0 you become unconscious and are easy prey. Same for enemies.
    -Reduced mainly by being hit and casting spells.
    -One combat round reduces fatigue by 2.
    -Running during combat reduces fatigue. This can lead new players to constantly run and pass out without knowing why or how to stop it. Right click or press R to attempt to leave combat mode (if under attack you cannot stop being in combat).

    DAMAGE RESISTANCE (DR) reduces damage by its percentage.
    -Increased by items.
    -Ogres have a natural 10DR and a background with 10 more!
    -Human background Escaped Lunatic gives 25 natural DR!
    -Easy DR items: rings of protection, ring of poison resistance from spider pit, metal boots, war gauntlets, pig faced basset helmet, metal armors, dragonskin leather armor, evil helmet from the Ancient Maze tomb NW corner.
    -DR maxes at 95

    ARMOR CLASS (AC) reduces enemy chance to hit you.
    -Increased by items, and a little by DEX.
    -Easy AC items: quality iron shield 30AC, metal boots, metal armors, pig faced basset, sword of defense (AC 15).
    -AC maxes at 95.

    -Reduce the chance or damage of the associated effect. -Negligible.
    -Note that MR in particular can be very bad to have, as it will prevent healing and positive spells that are cast on you. Only a handful of enemies will cast magic directly on you.
    -The enemies who use fire or poison or elec damage are not difficult enough to care about these resistances.
    -Traps deal damage using many of these damage types, but you can just cast heal after you walk over a trap.
    -Basically, you will not need to worry about these resistances.
    -Many items give bonuses to these which I have not included in the item data, because it is so irrelevant.
    -Resistances max at 95

    SPEED (Character speed)
    -Character speed (listed on character stat screen) is independant of and different from weapon speed (listed on item).

    -Is most important in turn based combat (activated by space bar) and increases number of actions during your combat turn.

    -The green lights (Action Points or AP) at the bottom of the screen during turn based combat which are used up when you move or cast or attack determine how long your combat turn lasts, and this is what speed increases (1 action point per character speed shown in the character stats screen).

    -VERY IMPORTANT. One of the best ways to do better in turn based combat is increase speed or lower your enemies speed.

    -Speed is raised directly by DEX, and some items (enchanted war boots, dagger of speed, etc.). 20 DEX gives a base speed of 25 (6 more than 19 DEX).

    -Speed can also be raised by spells (hasten, tempus fugit (the final time spell), agility of fire raises dex raising speed also).

    -Speed is lowered by encumberance, so lighten your load to remove speed penalties.

    -To get more attacks per turn without changing your character speed, use a weapon with a higher weapon speed.

    -Not as important in real time combat but still affects striking speed and running speed.

    RANGED DAMAGE is determined by the gun/bow.

    MELEE DAMAGE is determined by the weapon, plus strength damage bonus (and any extra magical damage or effect on a few special weapons). The STR bonus increases minimum and maximum listed damage equally, but maximum damage from only the physical attack will not be greater than (3 x listed max damage only, does not factor magic bonuses) and minimum damage is never over max damage. So a 26 STR character with +32 bonus damage from strength using a weapon listing 3-14(+20) will do 42 to 42. The max is 42 because 14 is the listed max damage, and 3 x 14 = 42. A 15 STR character with 5 bonus damage from strength using the same weapon does 28-39.

    BACKSTAB (when you have the skill and strike from behind the opponent) causes your damage to ignore armor and does additional damage. Only works with daggers unless you receive expert training. If your backstabs aren't doing more damage than regular hits, be sure you have ranks in the skill and are using an appropriate weapon and are directly behind the opponent. BEST DONE FROM BEHIND ON A STUNNED CREATURE for insane damage.

    HAND TO HAND DAMAGE begins at 1-5, and then determined by the gauntlets you wear and strength damage bonus. Gauntlet bonus damage increases only the maximum damage, but strength bonus is direct. Machined Gauntlets are the easiest way to deal large hand to hand damage. YOU MUST BE UNARMED, NO ITEM IN WEAPON SLOT.


    Magic aptitude (MA) and tech aptitude (TA) are kind of like an alignment range except for magic vs tech instead of good vs evil. When you press C to go to your character stats, the rightmost horizontal meter that says Magick Tech Meter when you hover the mouse over it displays your rating. The number above and below it is what we are concerned with (top is magic, bottom number is tech). Think of the top as a positive number and the bottom as a negative number, for simplification. Negative means how technical you are, on a scale of -100 most technical (shown as 100 on the bottom) to 0 neutral. Positive signifies how magical you are, with 0 being neutral and 100 being most magical. This affects how tech and magic affect you, ESPECIALLY ITEMS AND SPELLS. Spells will fail on highly technical targets.

    MA is increased by learning spells and wearing some items, TA is increased by learning tech skills (firearms, lockpicking, etc) and learning tech disciplines (explosives, electrical, etc.). That which increases MA, decreases TA, and vice versa.

    Tech items are almost always influenced only from 0 to a positive range, but magical items are influenced from a negative range to a positive range (ranges determined by item). So, neutral 0 allows 50% magic benefit from most magic items, and 100% benefit from tech items. 100 allows little or no benefit from tech items, and 100% benefit from magic items. -100 allows little or no benefit from magic items, but 100% benefit from tech items.

    SCROLLS AND POTIONS ARE MAGIC, ALCHEMY AND MIXTURES ARE TECH - so your aptitude WILL affect failure chance of these items, which can be critical when you're trying to drink a potion of health in combat to avoid death. Tech users should buy healing mixtures from herbalist shops, or craft your own.

    Spell effects usually increase as magic aptitude increase, but some have certain caps, while others will benefit as long as aptitude increases (even if you push MA over 100 and it only lists 100 on the character stat screen).

    Charged rings have an unlisted required tech aptitude to receive the full +2 DEX. The requirement is somewhere above 9 and below 14 (14 and over I know for certain gives full DEX).

    High MA prevents the use of trains or subway systems.


    Skills require a stat be at a certain number before you can increase it further. The requirements are:6,9,12,15,18. The stat differs between skills.

    Skills are maxed when you spend 5 character points into them, so they are divided into 5 'ranks'. Differences can happen due to ability stat effects, item bonuses or penalties, racial or background inherent bonuses or penalties, and so on. But all of these lesser effects on a skill are almost never equal to one full character point spent towards that skill.

    Weapon skills (melee, throw, firearms, bow) main purpose is increasing the chance to hit an enemy using that type of weapon, and it is painful to try without a high rank in the skill.

    You should focus on one weapon skill and use that type of weapon through the game, so as not to waste character points.

    It's a good idea to increase your weapon skill (melee, most likely) very quickly and very early, or it can take forever just to hit your enemies enough. Getting 4 ranks into your weapon skill is usually one of the top priorities for a hero. Mages can get by with spells, if you prefer (but even mages with some melee makes otherwise frustrating fights much easier).

    Pretty much everyone benefits from dodge.

    Skill training is separate from skill rank. Skill training level is written next to skill name in parenthesis, and is blank when untrained.

    Skill training provides certain extra related benefits and is purchased by asking someone who can train you. Basic training can be found all over, especially from city guards, but only certain people can provide expert and mastery. You need at least some of the skill ranked to receive basic training, and you need about over half to receive expert. Master training will probably be refused unless the skill is fully ranked (red bar fully across the skill in character stats screen) and usually involves a quest.

    Benefits of training are listed in the arcanum manual, downloadable at: ...

    Anyone doing combat needs at least some dodge (2 ranks is ok, more is better). Anyone using melee needs melee.

    backstab (limited normally to daggers, expert training allows backstabs with swords and axes)

    persuasion (expert gives +1 follower)

    Overall, melee is incredibly favored in this game. Good melee weapons are literally found everywhere, and melee almost always does the most damage. Guns come in 2nd, and can do extremely well, but after much more time and investment and constant purchasing of ammo. Throwing weapons and Bows pale in comparison to melee and guns.

    If you listen to the war stories of the "Grizzled Veteran" pacing near the mayor's office in Blackroot and choose the dialogue options sympathetic to knights, magic, and Cumbria, then he will train you to be an expert in dodge, melee, and firearms.

    The repair, haggle, gambling skill can be completely ignored. Shops repair items for extremely low cost, and you can find more than enough money to buy anything you need as you play through the game.

    Heal, spot traps, disarm traps, and prowling are of extremely minimal use. Prowling is good for backstabbing, but a waste of points when 2 points spent to get the stun spell provides the same effect.


    combat spells:

    fireflash (aoe dmg, doesnt hurt allies)
    minor healing
    congeal time
    you won't need more combat spells than these. Fireflash and minor healing alone can get you through the game.

    sustained spells:

    agility of fire - raises agility (can affect same target multiple times!)
    strength of earth - raises strength (can affect same target multiple times!)
    tempus fugit (final time spell)

    useful spells:

    unlocking cantrip
    conjure spirit (talk to people you've killed)


    Some items are quite good but by the time you find them they are equal to or worse than other items you should easily have by then. Such items will be largely ignored by any discerning player, and have been ignored by this faq.

    If an item says a stat is x(+x) then the (+x) is determined by magic aptitude, and a certain MA (usually over 50) allows 100% of the bonus
    Tech items have a similar function, but having MA causes it to give less bonus, so neutral characters receive full benefit.
    If an item says "+x all resistances" then that is in addition to any listed bonuses to resistances INCLUDING DR.

    There are almost no restrictions on equipping items, unlike other RPGS. Weak mages can wear platemail or wield swords, ogre fighters can weild staves, gunslingers can wear magic robes, etc.

    Chest peice armor (usually called just "armor") is restricted by size, which is determined by race. Short races wear small armor only, ogres wear large armor only, others wear the normal armor only. Gauntlets and boots and so on are not dealt with in the same way, they are one size fits all.

    Weapons can deal both hp and fatigue damage, listed by the item.

    Weapons have minimum strength requirements (MSR), and if you are below it then you can still equip it but have less chance to hit. Holding a two handed weapon in one hand (equip a shield and the weapon) increases the minimum strength requirement.

    All weapons have an innate stat which determines how much time is used up by attacking during turn based combat (measured in Action Points, the little green lights in a row near the bottom of the screen during turn based combat which are reduced after moving/casting/attacking/using items). It is almost always (8 - (weapon speed/3)). If you can't read that, then that says: take weapon speed divided by 3, and subtract that number from 8. The result cannot go below 1 (or you could attack forever) and fractions are ignored (so 5.33 is just 5, 5.66 is just 5).

    Armor can be damaged from traps, fire spells, certain enemies striking you (flame spiders, golems, fire elementals, some others). Fireflash will not harm you or your party's armor, but it will damage the enemies'.

    Weapons can be damaged from striking durable enemies or breaking durable environment items (breaking open doors and chests and things). GAUNTLETS (HAND TO HAND) ARE NOT DAMAGED IN THIS WAY and thus are perfect for fighting golems or bashing down doors. You can get a free pair of decent gauntlets very early by going to Blackroot (as east and north as you can from Shrouded Hills on the south side of the river) and being compassionate to the orcish smith.

    Critical hit or critical miss effects can cause damage to armor or weapons, and sometimes drop your weapon on the ground. Be sure to pick it up!

    If an item is damaged to 0 durability it cannot be repaired by a merchant!

    There is one part of the game (seemingly some form of trap) that always destroyed whatever weapon I had equipped (super f***ing annoying): the 3rd and final level of Bellerogrim's Lair. Save beforehand, and unequip your weapon when the time requires.

    Items which mainly give resistances other than damage should be largely ignored.
    A ! near an item stat notes that it is one of the best in it's class for that stat.
    Items with arcane, magic, mystic, charmed can be found randomly in chests.

    Statue of the Godess Geshtianna - DEX -3 BE +2 CHA +1 while in inventory.


    charged ring - DEX +2 - craftable from the very beginning of the game
    fated ring - crit chance +5, gambling +1 (negligible)
    ring of protection - 10AC 10DR! - best ring in the game.
    ring of poison resistance - 10AC 20PR(negligible) - great ring available from the spider pit east of Tarant very early on.


    finger of mannox - WP +1, Melee +2, +crit chance, pr+20% - available late in the game
    amulet of n'tala - STR+1 CON+1 +50% healing
    great aunt ester's amulet - Beauty +2
    queen k'na s'ea amulet - Beauty +2
    medallion of silence - prowling +2


    metal boots - 10 DR

    enchanted war boots - 5 DR 6 AC +5 speed - best boots in the game as you don't need the extra few DR from others but speed always helps a lot.

    boots of the dark toll - DEX +2 Fatigue DOT - Cursed. Quickly knocks you unconscious. Notable only for the +2 dex.


    pig faced basset - 10 AC 12 DR - best easily purchasable helmet.
    nature's wrath helm - AC 15 DR 5(+20)! - Cursed, but no bad effects. Never seems to give the full 25% DR, but it comes close enough. Best helmet in the game. Available very early, in the tomb casket in the northwest part of the Ancient Maze (which is northwest of Dernholm).
    arcane helm - AC 10(+10) DR 8(+12) - one of the best helms in the game
    chapeau of magnetic inversion - DR 20 - the only good tech helmet, and it is a great one. Available very early in the game from completing the Liam's Workshop quest starting in Blackroot.
    eyewear - PE+2 (gun/bow users)

    helmet of Yzar's Cost - DR-50% MR-50% PE+4 Bow+2 Lowers Max Hp and Fatigue - Cursed. Best helmet for ranged fighters.

    note that glove/gauntlet damage bonus applies only to unarmed hand to hand combat

    arcane gloves - AC 5 DR 5(+5)! - the best gloves in the game for DR
    war gauntlets - AC 6 DR 8 Damage +10
    dwarven machined gauntlets - Ac 5 DR 7 Damage +15!
    gloves of dexterity - DR 5 DEX (+2)!
    vendrigothian war gauntlets - AC 15 Damage +15! - Available only near the end of the game.


    Regular Size Armor:
    magick robes - AC 5(+6) DR 7(+12) MR(+10)
    mystick traveller's cloak - AC 3(+15) DR 3(+15)

    studded leather armor - Ac 10 DR 18 - good easy to find starter leather armor.
    dragonskin leather - Ac 9 DR 16(+10) - good purchasable expensive magic leather armor.
    arcane leather - AC 9(+10) DR 16(+10) - found randomly
    mystic leather - AC 9(+15) DR 16(+15)! - found randomly
    dread armor - Ac 19(+31)! DR 5 - 10,000 durability. Purchasable in many magic shops.

    there are many variations of chainmail, which are all essentially the same as basic chain.
    caladon crusading chain - AC 14 DR 25 STR+1! DEX+1! CON+1 BE+1
    mystic chainmail - AC 12(+15) DR 23(+15)!

    basic platemail - AC 15 DR 36
    basic machined platemail - AC 20 DR 30
    elite plate - AC 20 DR +40
    mystic platemail - Ac 15(+8) DR 36(+8)!

    heroes weakness barbarian armor - dr+20% MR-100% - sets your magic resist to 0 (negligible) and has an insane DR, much higher than the listed 20%, about 50% in some of my games. Cursed, but extremely good. It's only negative effects are that it reduces some of the other resistances, which is negligible.

    Small Size Armors
    small mystic robes - Ac 3 DR 3(+35)
    iron clan armor - Ac 45! DR 50!
    small mystic chainmail - AC 12(+15) DR 10(+15)
    small arcane platemail - Ac 15(+10) DR 32(+10)

    Large Size Armors
    large basic platemail - Ac 15 DR 38
    large arcane leather armor - AC 9(+20) DR 18(+20) - one of the best large armors in the game.


    screaming shield AC 30(+10)! DR+10! - On the blacksmith in Roseborough.
    tempered shield - AC 30 DR+10! - On the blacksmith in stillwater.
    quality iron shield - AC 30
    shield of force - AC 30 electrical damage to attacker


    Neutral (Neither Magical Nor Technical)

    Balanced Sword - 3-12 DMG Speed 23 - wonderful sword for early in the game, and easily craftable. Slightly technical but anyone can use it.

    Katana - 3-12 DMG Speed 20 - great easy to find weapon, purchasable in some stores.

    Sword! - 10-15 DMG Speed 20 - special sword from the arena in Isle of Despair, must loot from fallen opponent. One of the best weapons in the game for the majority of playtime in the game for any melee character, and is extremely easy to get at a relatively early stage in the game.

    Barbarian Heavy Blade - 8-20 DMG Speed 17. Easy to find and extremely good.

    Harrow - Speed 11. special axe looted from Loghain in wheel clan dredge. Damage determined by race and good/evil alignment. Best DMG (10-42) at 50-100 good alignment dwarf, 2nd best (8-34) at 0-25 alignment dwarf. You will not gain exp for hitting or killing monsters with Harrow.


    Arcane Sword - 1-8(+16) DMG Speed 15 - better than arcane great sword if strength is less than 14.

    Arcane Great Sword - 4-16(+16) DMG Speed 13 - better than arcane sword if strength is over 14.

    Arcane Axe - 3-14(+20) DMG Speed 12 - better than both arcane sword and greatsword if strength is less than 20.

    Arcane Staff - 1-8 DMG 3-12(+24) FT Speed 13 Mana+80 - Gives 80 mana for spells and does insane fatigue damage in melee, but low hp damage.

    Bangellian Scourge - 5-20(+10) DMG Speed 15 - best evil sword from bangellian depths (north of grey mountains). Casts damaging spells.

    Blade of Vicious Haste - 5-15(+15) DMG Speed 15 Speed+4 - found in a magically locked chest in Tseng Ang (late in the game) Cursed, chance to damage wielder.

    Filament Sword - 1-8(+12) DMG Speed 15 - good sword for early in the game, and it changed the effect of your criticals.

    Sword of Sickness - 5-20 DMG Speed 13 - the first good purchasable sword, in Shrouded Hills at the gypsy for about 1500-2000g.

    Sword of Air - 4-16 DMG Speed 17 - great purchasable sword.

    Sword of Baltar - 15-25 DMG Speed 15 - extremely good sword and available very early, found on Lianna in Dernholm.

    Sword of the Derian Ka - 1-12(+5) DMG Speed 20 - This sword is unique in that it has a damage bonus of 5 that is not listed on the item and not affected by magical aptitude at all. It simply always does +5 damage.

    Kryggird's Falchion - 35-50 DMG 10-20 FT Speed 20 - best weapon in the game, available only at the very end of the game.

    Torian Kel's Ancestral Sword - 10-25(+10) Speed 35! - The speed of this weapon is actually adjusted by magic aptitude (15 at tech 100, 25 at 0, 35 at 100). Available only near the very end of the game.


    Charged Sword - 4-32 DMG Speed 15 - craftable.

    Charged Axe - 1-12 +20-30 Electrical DMG Speed 10 - from Sebastian in The Boil of Tarant.

    Featherweight Axe - 1-16 DMG Speed 17 - craftable.

    Pyrotechnic Axe - 31-62 DMG Speed 10 - craftable. One of the best melee weapons in the game

    Iron Clan Hammer - 15-35 +1-5 Fire DMG Speed 15 - available only near the end of the game.

    Power Axe - 5-18 DMG 3-11 FTG

    -Require ammunition in the wielder's inventory
    -Rifles cannot be used while equipping a shield

    Blade Launcher 30-60 DMG Speed 6 - craftable.

    Flame Thrower 16-34 DMG Speed 7 - craftable.

    Charged Accelerator Gun - 11-25 DMG Speed 13 - craftable.

    Long Range Pistol - 10-30 DMG Speed 10 - craftable.

    Repeater Rifle - 5-12 DMG Speed 19 - craftable.

    Levered Machine Gun - 1-40 DMG Speed 25 - Takes lots of bullets, but one of the best guns in the game. Best machine gun. Outperforms Droch's Warbringer versus low armored opponents. One is found in Tarant on a Tarant Officer during the orc worker uprising that is directly south of Bates's Factory NOT THE ONE AT BATES's FACTORY.

    Mechanized gun - 1-30 DMG Speed 25 - craftable. 2nd best rapid fire gun. One is found in Tarant on a Tarant Officer during the orc worker uprising that is directly south of Bate's Factory NOT THE ONE AT BATE'S FACTORY.

    Hand Cannon - 5-35 DMG 1-10 FT Speed 9 - craftable. Great gun, but it's only 1 level away from elephant gun in gunsmithy tech, so you won't be using it much.

    Rifled Cannon - 10-30 DMG Speed 7

    Droch's Warbringer - 20-40 +10Elec DMG Speed 13 - Best gun in the game. Schematic found near the end of the game.

    Tesla Gun - 11-84 DMG Speed 6 - craftable. Electricity technicians can craft this item.

    Elephant Gun - 20-50 DMG 1-15 FT Speed 9 - craftable. Any gunsmith should try to craft this gun as soon as possible. Best gun for most of the game.


    Mystical Chakram - 1-10(+7) Speed 19 - better than serrated chakram

    Balanced Boomerang - 1-10 Speed 19 - best to start your thrown weapons adventure with one of these.

    Serrated Chakram - 1-10(+5) Speed 17 - good common magic thrown weapon

    Azram's Star - 1-10(+20) DMG Speed 21 - best magic thrown weapon in the game.

    Aerial Decapitator - 20-40 DMG Speed 17 - looted from a hermit at a secret location in the grey mountains. Best nonmagic thrown weapon in the game.

    Explosives are very good thrown weapons:
    Place the explosive from your inventory into a quick slot, and use the associated number on the keyboard.

    Stun grenade - makes every fight easy
    Explosive Grenades - black powder + tin can. Very profitable to craft and sell also.
    Molotov Cocktail - cheap and good, craft from rags and fuel.

    Dynamite is not thrown but set on the ground and requires precise timing.

    All four of those are craftable.

    -Require arrows
    -note that all bows pale in comparison to melee and guns as far as damage capability is concerned.

    Arcane Bow - 4-16(+4) DMG Speed 13

    Blessed Bow - 1-5(+4) DMG Speed 10

    Bow of Damage - 1-8(+4) DMG Speed 15

    Bow of Terror - 2-18 DMG Speed 13

    Bow of the Chill Reaper - 5-18 Speed 11

    Hurtful Long Bow - 30-50 DMG Speed 13 - cursed, will hurt you too. Best damage bow in the game.

    Mystic Bow - 20-50 DMG Speed 9 - best non cursed bow in the game.

    Pyrotechnic Bow - 1-10 DMG Speed 25! - craftable. One of the best bows in the game.
  2. Constipation

    Constipation New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 21, 2010
    Well I'm impressed. Haven't seen so many errors in a single post since ever.

    Want Arcanum noobs to have access to quality information? Don't post. Better for them to look a little longer for what they need than easily stumble into this and memorise a bunch of half-correct info.
  3. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 29, 2011
    A harsh but reasonably fair assessment; for a basic FAQ you need to change an awful lot. Besides I think Arcanum is one of those games where experimentation is part of the fun.
  4. Leonidus

    Leonidus Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 4, 2011
    Well now I have to do it. Either way the arcanum community gets what it deserves.

    Good luck my friends.
  5. CJH

    CJH New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2011

    NOTE: In this post solo can refer to no NPCs or 1 NPC

    >Gunslingers are looking for DEX and PER. INT allows you to create good guns, but all guns can be found

    Intelligence is never necessary to create any gun (intelligence potions can substitute). Also not every gun can be found.

    >Half-Ogres are the best melee fighters. +4 STR and +10DR is just amazing. Orcs come in 2nd.

    Best is subjective. Half-Ogres do the most melee damage. Half-orcs and dwarves do the second most melee damage. Those are facts, best is a opinion.

    >Halflings are the best for guns, but really any race is ok for guns. Ogres can use rifles but not pistols.

    Are you really suggesting +5% critical hits is worth the strength penalty?

    >Elves and gnomes are the best mages.

    Unless you are planning a really tight CP build technomage, the +1 WP isn't worth the -1 STR/CON penalty of choosing elf over half-elf

    >Choose race and backgrounds for stats OR DR.

    DR is easy to max using armor and shield of protection. Therefore +DR backgrounds should not be recommended for magic characters

    >For starting items buy a staff, rapier, and lockpick.

    Shouldn't you put a disclaimer here about the lockpick if the character is go9ing to put points in pick locks. The lockpick is useless otherwise (until you get a NPC that has a high picklocks skill)

    Also characters with 1 point in throwing (future grenadiers) and a boomerang are very effective

    >ALL CHARACTERS HAVE A MUCH EASIER START IF YOU USE BEGINNING CHARACTER POINTS ON THE LESSER HEALING SPELL, 2 POINTS INTO MELEE SKILL (REQ. 9 DEX), AND ONE POINT OF PERSUASION. The fifth point is typically necessary to raise the regular 8 dex to 9 for the 2nd rank of melee.

    These are rather strong recommendations. Starting with White 1 or Herbology 1 is not mandatory unless you choose not to take Virgil with you. Melee characters should start with Melee 2, but there's no reason to recommend it to mages or gunslingers. Persuasion 1 is rather useless until a particular conversation in which your character is probably level 4. Therefore starting with Persuasion 1 is unnecessary.


    Background discussions don't discuss what situations you should choose the backgrounds. I've included a proper analysis

    Backgrounds good for melee fighters:

    Ran Away from the Circus:
    Normal characters: +1 stat (assuming PE is a dump stat).
    Dumb characters: +6 stats (assuming PE is a dump stat)
    Result: Good for dumb half-ogre characters, otherwise why bother

    Troll Offspring:
    Normal characters: -1 or -2 stats (depending whether Water 1 is taken)
    No Persuasion Solo characters: +2-3 stats (depending on whether Water 1 is taken)
    Result: Workable for no persuasion solo characters. Although I don't really understand why a player wouldn't choose beat with an ugly stick instead

    Tough Hide:
    -1 Stat. +10 DR
    Result: Arguably the optimal choice for dumb half-orge characters. Depending on equipment and TA, can be useful for tech characters. Magic characters should not choose

    Escaped Lunatic: Useful if you want to maximize resistances

    Raised in the Pits:
    Normal character: -2 stats
    Dumb character: +4 stats
    Result: Only choose if you want to be a dumb, non-half-ogre character

    Beat with a Ugly Stick: +3-4 stats (depending on whether or not you get Water 1 to compensate the beauty penalty)

    >Backgrounds good for gunslingers:

    Raised by orcs:
    Normal character: -2 stats
    No Persuasion Solo characters: +4 stats
    Result: Useful for no persuasion solo characters

    Raised by monks: +1 stat
    Result: Too small of a bonus to be chosen over other options

    Beat with a Ugly Stick: +3-4 stats (depending on whether or not you get Water 1 to compensate the beauty penalty)

    Raised in the Pits:
    Normal character: -2 stats
    Dumb character: +4 stats
    Result: Only choose if you want to be a dumb, non-half-ogre character

    Feral Child
    Normal Character: -3 stats
    Dumb character: +3 stats
    Result: Only choose if you want to be a dumb, non-half-ogre character

    Miracle operation: +5 stats
    Result: Highest net stat gain of any background. The DEX/STR penalties are annoying early game, but they can be managed

    Escaped Lunatic: Useful if you want to maximize resistances

    Sickly: +3 stats

    Backgrounds good for mages:
    Normal characters: +2 stats
    No Persuasion Solo characters: +6 stats
    Result: Statistically optimal build for no persuasion solo mages

    Escaped Lunatic: Useful if you want to maximize resistances

    Dark Elf:
    Why would someone take this over only child?

    Also Charlatan’s Protégé should be mentioned as a overall good background for non half-ogres/half orcs that want high charisma
    +4 stats is quite worth the -1 combat skills for most high CHA characters

    > tech heroes have a harder time healing (potions and heal spells don't work on them, requiring you to craft herbal mixtures).

    Tech heroes with low or no TA do not suffer from the healing flaw. I forgot where the healing threshold is (my memory sais TA 28, but that can easily be wrong), but staying under that makes Virgil still eager to heal you

    >Increasing stats

    There is a 12 CP limit on how many Character points you can allocate to a stat. This shoule be mentioned

    >Purchasable technical manuals allow the proficiency to then craft items learned in this way while never raising intelligence.

    Purchasable tech manuals work on found schematics, intelligence potions do not work on them
    Intelligence potions are useful for learned schematics, tech manuals do not apply here

    +stat blessings and vivifier raise stat maximum by that amount

    >This is why high WILL is important at mage character creation. You can immediately begin learning the best spells and get MA, instead of picking a few bad ones to raise MA.

    Higher level magic spells have level requirements. Therefore there is little difference between starting with higher WILL and putting your early level CP in it

    >One combat round reduces fatigue by 2

    Only if you use more action points than you have in that round.

    >Charged rings have an unlisted required tech aptitude to receive the full +2 DEX. The requirement is somewhere above 9 and below 14 (14 and over I know for certain gives full DEX).

    12 TA-11 MA: +1 DEX
    13 or Higher TA: +2 DEX


    Throwing clearly belongs here. A grenadier is definitely be one of the most powerful characters in the game, and can require as little as 2 CP (throwing 1 and explosives 1)
  6. Constipation

    Constipation New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 21, 2010
    Followers don't need their own lockpicks if the player has a set and persuasion might as well be needed by a level 1 persuasive character, especially if he leaves his fightings to NPCs.

    Also, if it has to be said that for melee damage halfogres > halforcs > everyone else, don't be such a small race racist by forgetting to say that dwarves are on the same level as halforcs.

    Damn if I know. How about roleplay. It's a Role Playing Game, that's what RPG stands for, incidentally.
  7. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2006
    News to me. I always thought it was Rape Perversion Game, but what you said would explain the lack of unwanted intercourse.

    To CJH;

    Healing Salve is a first level tech schematic, meaning you can safely ditch Virgil at the start anyway. This is just my opinion, obviously, as I prefer to not sully my technophiles with magickal book larnin'.

    Healing salve requires an intelligence of 5, fatigue restorer requires intelligence of 8. Ingredients for the salve are found all over the crash site, so you can safely invest a single point in Herbology and still do the combat bonuses , dexterity, and persuasion you recommend. This way, you still have what you need to make it further in the game than those damned ailing wolves. Plus, healing salve works the same on a magick or tech based character, and first level white necromancy is less effective the lower your magickal alignment, meaning if you end up close to or right on 100 tech, you'll have a spell that's completely useless to yourself in the game. Add into that the possibility of not reducing your fatigue to heal yourself in the first place and I feel the healing salve is a better choice - though if you're designing a magickal character, by all means spend that first point in White Necromancy.
  8. Constipation

    Constipation New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 21, 2010
    Only if Jojobobo's playing.
  9. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 29, 2011
  10. Constipation

    Constipation New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 21, 2010
  11. CJH

    CJH New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2011
    Personally I don't really see the need to have either White 1 or Herbology 1 at character creation. And anyone who plans on doing a 0 follower run already knows how to heal themselves. My point was White 1 is not mandatory at character creation
  12. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2006
    Since you hadn't put Leonidus' suggestions in quotes, I thought you bulleted points you figured were relevant to starting a character. Basically, I hadn't read the whole thread yet and only payed attention to your (his) bullet points. However, as is important in the real world, it's better to have something and not need it - meaning back up plans are pretty important even if you're running with Virgil. Different people have different play styles and character builds, which is why Leonidas gives one suggestion, you give another, and I give one more, though we both don't think every character should start like Leonidas says.
  13. CJH

    CJH New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2011
    The FAQ is about statistical optimization. My corrections were not about personal opinions.

    My corrections were of the sort:

    1.) Example so Leonidus explains why things are better rather than stating they are better with no explanation

    2.) Pointing out errors (i.e. statistically inferior choices)

    3.) Saying things that were mentioned as mandatory are not mandatory

    Character optimization is basically number crunching. Opinion only really sets in when values are subjective

    i.e. Is 5% critical hit chance worth it for a gunslinger having to devote 2 spell slots to strength of Earth until you get around to devoting the CP improve your strength until you don't need strength of Earth to bring you over firearm MSR penalties

    That's a opinionated call as opinions can't be quantized
  14. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2006
    Well considering you said yourself that people who decide on a solo run already know how to heal themselves, you also implied that in those cases it can be a good idea to know how to make your own healing possible. That's where my "opinion" comes into play. Statistically, I'm worse for wear regardless of a party if I don't make my own healing happen, meaning my choice of optimization is specific to me and can be quantified - due to my own style of gaming. If it ends up helping someone else start out, so be it.
  15. Leonidus

    Leonidus Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 4, 2011
    Be sure you're basing info only on unofficial patch, not carcanum or WIP obviously.

    Firstly, the FAQ was accepted, so finally there is easy information for new players who want to know wtf to do with this game. It's the kind of game that can be easily discarded in frustration without some basic knowledge, and I wanted to change that. That's why I wrote this FAQ. I hate the idea of someone missing out on this god in the pantheon of RPG games.

    Secondly, I appreciate the corrections. I want information provided to be accurate, and I spent a long, long, long time testing things towards this end.

    Thirdly, your corrections kind of missed the point guys.

    "So, I started a text file which I plan on developing into a basic faq for people who just want 1. to know what character development they need to be good at which character types and 2. to know what items spells or skills are generally the best. "

    Note how I said I would like to work with it later to include minmaxing. Perhaps it could've been more clear, but it was in the post guys. As it stands, it's currently just for reliable character development information and information for new players who need to know what to do to make the game and combat easier for them.

    So with that in mind, to say a point early on into minor healing is a waste is a valid point with regard to maximizing character points, but it's wrong with regard to what makes a starting hero's adventure easier for a new player. Likewise for many of the other opinions, sadly.
    Very appreciated corrections:

    -charged ring exact requirement

    -FT -2 only on turns where ap over max is used

    -spell level requirements. Forgot about those, thank you.

    A few other corrections are possibly appreciated. I couldn't test every facet of the game before releasing the FAQ, but my testing proved completely opposite results to what you said and so I will test these again and in different ways to be sure.

    -blessings and vivifier increase stat max

    Demonstrated otherwise through personal testing. Tried offering blessings, didn't raise over max (26 dex would be pretty sweet though). Tried a quest obtained blessing (stillwater statue quest), didn't raise over max. Tried vivifier, didn't raise over max.

    I stopped posting midway through this reply to test this particular point again actually, and you are wrong I'm afraid. Be sure you're using unofficial arcanum patch? Might affect this.

    Furthermore, that's why I think this FAQ needed to be written. Why should there be ambiguity about blessings and vivifier in this game 10 years after?

    -purchased manuals correction.

    Will test purchased manuals on schematics learned through int potion use again. You seem to be right that purchased manuals are never needed in learned schematics (no crossover discipline requirement on the ones I just looked at).

    What i really need are some suggestions for additions to the items section. I put in quite a lot of the best things, but I'm sure I missed a thing or two. I'd also really like to put in precise locations to find things, but that will take a lot of time.

    In particular I know I need to add:
    -tranquilizer gun - remembered about it now but don't have a save with it
    -regular arcane platemail - couldn't find a save with it, but I remember seeing some in previous playthroughs. I'm partly through 2 more playthroughs but haven't found any.

    In particular I would like to know:
    -are there large enchanted platemails? I have none in my saves.
    -is anyone getting different str caps than I am?
    -is there any info you guys would like to add to the FAQ for new players? Credit will be given.

    CJ a lot of your overall opinions are pretty bad. For example, halflings are the best gunslinger because they can reach 22 dex, and speed is the only thing which will really increase dps from guns (as no stat increases their damage). 3 STR is not a big deal at all if your goal is to make a good gunslinger. Best case scenario is you meant as far as maximizing character points -3 str isn't better than +2 dex, which still misunderstands the FAQ. I am not trying to insult you, as I am really glad you actually took a kind of step by step response to my FAQ. I just want what's best for the new players. Please just try to take some more time thinking about your suggestions, or if you insist you're right on some points then convince me otherwise. I will not be arrogant or weird about it, as I think it's always important to keep in mind the eternal possibility of being wrong.

    The stat and background and race recommendations are towards the type of character listed, which are generic character types for beginning players (melee warrior, mage, gunslinger). Ogres are the best melee fighter. Ran away with the circus is generally the best melee fighter background. The reason there is not an essay right there about technomancer creation or playing an intelligent charisma centered melee hero is because it's for beginning players who need to know what's going to make playing easier and their heroes better in combat. The FAQ isn't for explaining complicated character builds. That's also why a grenadier hero wasn't discussed (but I give credit to the explosives in the item section).

    I need to test the STR cap more. Just seems so weird to me how ogre and orc will always get 24/21 strength max, regardless of backgrounds. I need to test dwarf as well to be sure it's not just those 2.

    Some info I'd still like to add to FAQ:
    -More credit to others for some ideas that I absorbed through my own initial research months ago when I first got the game. The items in hotkey slots for inventory space idea was in a walkthrough that I had used for my first playthrough way back when. Realized this after my FAQ was accepted and I checked out the other FAQs again while on the site, of course.
    -More item locations
    -Special bonuses given by 20 in a stat
    -Entire minmaxing analysis for different character types, including a list for necessary items/blessings and an explanation of how to go to certain areas in advance of the storyline easiest.
    -a few more items (tranq gun especially), a few clarifications on some items
    -spell level requirements and other 2 corrections
    -beginner's walkthrough section, with how to complete the shrouded hills quests, then some easy things to do in the beginning to get some decent gear and gold.
    -particular solutions section to give advice or strategies against some parts which provides difficulty to newer players (BMC, etc)

    More suggestions, corrections, and opinions always welcome.

    By God in Heaven, what a magnificent jewel of a game we have at our fingertips. Do not forget how lucky we are, gentlemen.
  16. Drog Alt

    Drog Alt Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 30, 2010
    What the fuck, man, you're insane.

    I beg you, go outside and see the world. Or at least some sunlight.
  17. Constipation

    Constipation New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 21, 2010
    By whom, I wonder.
  18. DarkFool

    DarkFool Nemesis of the Ancients

    Likes Received:
    Jan 28, 2005
    If you want to make a wiki, that's awesome. However, I'd ask you actually build a wiki, and then submit it to me, and we'll host it. If you create a thread that's just 'game information,' some of which is incorrect, I'll just wait until it's complete and press delete.
  19. Leonidus

    Leonidus Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 4, 2011
    Any incorrect information will be gladly corrected. That should be clear from my last post.

    Stop being weirdly elitist about this guys. It's to help new players which are coming to find the game now that it is available for a cheap and easy download.

    It would be quite regrettable if this forum has no interest in one thread towards helping new players. I would think you are tired of "what stats are good for my hero" questions.

    This forum is not the home for this FAQ. I brought it here as a resource for new players stumbling here for information, and for more expert opinions so that I might get good corrections. So far only 3 (possibly a 4th) valuable pieces of information, sadly. Thank you, CJH.

    I remain hopeful that there are still knowledgeable people who want to help others love this game like they do. That's all I want to do, and no amount of nerd superiority from an obscure forum will stop me from doing so. It is beyond strange how some would rather be insulting and fight this effort, rather than help. What kind of gentleman does such a thing? Perhaps one raised by orcs. Enjoy your +2 strength.
  20. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2006
    You haven't linked to the location of the FAQ you've dropped piecemeal into this thread, driving DF to say what he did.

    The level cap remover makes the game more ridiculous. Should you get to level 50 halfway or earlier in the game, you're nigh-unstoppable. Increasing your level higher than that through a level mod would make you nigh-unstoppable-er, especially since it's fairly easy to beat the game at 35.

    Yes, the game can be fun when you start out playing a pre-optimized build. However, it gets boring more quickly when you realize how easy the game is when you start with a lower risk of failure, which is why a dedicated pugilist build can be more fun (and challenging) than a super-mage.

    By creating an "objective" analysis of what you deem to be the best starting builds, you're being quite "subjective" in that not everyone enjoys playing the game like you do, even if they've just picked it up. The gameplay itself is inherently varietal with a linear story, so your project should be beefed up with as many starting builds as you can think of depending on the direction a player might go as far as development is concerned.

    Also, we're xenophobes.

    Despite this, I'd enjoy seeing your FAQ where it's hosted, and should I get my PC up and running again I'll attempt further contributions based on your conditions like the previous one I gave regarding initial CP distribution.
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