Now don't get your hopes up, this isn't going to be a particularly exciting or interesting thread. I was just curious as to how difficult you set a game once you first get it? For me, I always set a new game to its hardest setting. I believe it makes me improve quicker, and also it adds to a game's longevity if it's more difficult. Do you do this too, do you prefer to enjoy a game's story and set it on easy or do you gradually ramp up the difficultly with experience? Post up how you treat difficulty in your games.
I start on easy to determine if there's replay value, and if there is I play on gradually more difficult settings until I'm bored. However, with the Halo series, I just figured I'd have no chance against my friends unless I went straight to the hardest setting on campaign mode. Didn't matter; the only weapons I'm actually good with in those games are the sword and rocket launcher. Otherwise I was as difficult to hit as a moving target, due to everyone being a damn sniper. I showed them in Street Fighter and Smash Bros. though. I don't play on anything but the hardest difficulty in those games. In online competition for Street Fighter there are thousands of people who can kick my ass, but I know there are about 8 people living within 15 miles of my house who can't beat me. Good enough.
I play with "normal" difficulty settings in almost all cases. Tutorials are usually all the ease I ever need and I don't want to make a game so bloody difficult so as not to enjoy it.
Just like Gross, I'll do the first play-through on easy to see if I like the game. If so, time to crank it up!
Depends on the game. Something like Deus Ex I played on hardest the first time then came in on easy for the 2nd play so I could punch walls.
If it's COD, I play through the campaign on easy just to catch the story. Then I switch to multiplayer and never look back. Games that require a little finesse or stealth, like Metal Gear Solid, I play on the hardest setting. RPGs, I generally play on normal or hard, then replay on hardest.
I play with "normal" difficulty settings in almost all cases. Tutorials are usually all the ease I ever need and I don't want to make a game so bloody difficult so as not to enjoy it. ________________________________ Diablo 3 Items | Diablo 3 Accounts Diablo 3 Gold | Diablo 3 News diablo 3 power leveling
I play every single game on the medium difficulty, or its equivalent. For RPG's I keep it this way, even if I'm replaying the game again. For FPS' I prefer to choose a harder difficulty on my 2nd or 3rd play-through.
I go through it on easy, because I want to enjoy the story. After I've the story down, I crank up the difficulty so I can learn the mechanics.
The COD story was kind of weak in MW3. I played it through on Veteran because I was in no rush to finish it.