Hello! I tried worldedit to create my own module for Arcanum about 3-4 years ago and just failed horribly when it came to scripting and after days and days of trying I just flat out gave up, that failure haunts me to this day. I always want to play more Arcanum but I've played through the main storyline so often it's gotten old. Anyways I was just thinking that if one of you amazingly smart modders would make a series of YouTube videos for a walkthrough of AMTUT I would be forever in your debts, as well as others who faced the same failure as me. I beg of you! if you have the knowledge, SHARE IT WITH THE WORLD!!!
Yes!! i had the same problem with scripting, just can't understand what I was doing wrong, the people here were nice enough to try and help but i still didn't get it right, a youtube explanation of AMTUT would be AWESOME!
I think the number of people interesting in doing training on a 10 year old game, let alone making YouTube videos, is a bit small. Quite probably around zero, sorry. If you ask, they may answer. Charonte is occasionally found in our IRC Channel.
Fair point darkfool :/ at least there are 2 people who would profit from it though lol... meh it was worth a try.