What do you do with your full Stillwater trap once the quest is over and done with? Leave it in the wilderness or a bin? Throw it in the furnace at the Bangellian Deeps? Give it to a temporary follower ("It's your problem now!")? What's the best way you can think of to deal with the little scamp? I didn't have the heart to do anything cruel to it in my current playthrough so I keep it in my chest in Blackroot, I like to think my character feeds it in his spare time. As a side note I'm pretty sure the "bunny" in the trap is an actual bunny in that instance, if you attack it whilst it's in the cave no transformation occurs; the giant must have lured it in there just to fool the hapless character!
Keep it, after a while you may find a nice surprise. Afterwards, I generally sell it to the Shrouded Hills Wise Woman. She seems like an animal lover.
Well, that is good question... I don't really remember. I guess I keep it in my precious and unusual loot's chest in Shoudred Hills Temple. One chest for books/notes One chest for precious/rare items or stuff One chest for hexed items One chest for arcane stuff and others good magick items
You mean the Stillwater Giant encounter? I just let the giant be as my current character is a goody-two-shoes rather than skin it. If that isn't the nice surprise then I'm very intrigued to know what is! I'm not a haggle expert, and I don't trust those filthly junk dealers with my precious blue bunny! If I could give it a nicer home then maybe, but till then it'll remain my pet. That's some pretty sweet organisation right there! I just use the chest in Drop Yer Anchor for all my stuff, it does get a bit cluttered though. The tardis-like storage capabilities of chests in Arcanum always amaze me - with a different character I managed to get 7 automatons and 8 assorted arachnids as well as a whole load of other junk into that same chest.
Re: Obviously Whoa that's cold blooded - I was only joking when I suggested it! I bet you'd lead starving orphans into that furnace if you had the chance wouldn't you?
Re: Obviously I somehow missed the fact that you did suggest it. Now my comment seems so less witty than I planned it to be. Probably would with some of my characters, though slaughter is usually good as well. The thing with the bunny is that once caged it can't be killed otherwise, and not being killable is something unacceptable for some of my characters. The Bangellian Furnace plays a special role in nearly all of my games. My good characters throw in items which are nothing but a cause of destruction, such as the Bangellian Scourge or Malachi Rench's Gem, while my evil ones throw in items which are of great value to other, such as Bessie Toone's mine deed or Jongle Dunne's package.
Re: Obviously Reminds me of eating crunchy chicks to gain admittance to the Temple of Shadows in Fable II - being evil for evil's sake is always fun. I'm doing this for my latest good character, probably because I read what you put elsewhere detailing this. I shot Geoffrey after a very brief discourse with him - my character has very absolute values of good and evil due to his deluded Only Child upbringing.
You need to play Evil more often. If you're skilled, you can bicker with Virgil in front of the furnace, and wind up pushing him in. Surely I'm not the sole person to discover this?
Is this scenario similar to those where Swyft's mother attacks you if she learns where you'd taken her daughter, or when you conspire with Hervor against the Unified Kingdom and you see the dwarven army marching into Tarant?
...Like the lesbian scene if a female character with female followers joins the women on the Iosle of Despair? ...What?