Ranking Races in Order of Preference

Discussion in 'Arcanum Discussion' started by Jojobobo, Jun 3, 2011.

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  1. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    So I want to know how you would rank the races in order of your playing preference and why? Obviously people prefer races for different reasons, typically for roleplaying or for the beneficial mechanics they bring to the table; I don't mind what the reasons for your preferences are I'm just curious to know what race you play most commonly and why you play them because I thought it would be fun! I have at some point or another played all races, and my preference is as follows:

    1. Half-Ogres. For me what I like about Half-Ogres is that they're big! This alone makes them stand out visually in Arcanum, making them inherently more different and unusual from the other races. I also think that as many people like to play characters which defy stereotypes no other race does this better than playing a genteel, well mannered and intelligent Half-Ogre. Mechanistically the ST bonus is also great, and you can't argue with the awesomeness of +10% damage resistance.

    2. Gnomes. I would have never given Gnomes the time of day till I actually bothered to try one, and then I realised they're actually loads of fun. I like the idea that they can insult people and be liked for it, it incorporates a whole deference to the gentry idea that I think is cool to roleplay. Furthermore whereas Elves usually wear their arrogance on their sleeves, it seems like Gnomes are not gauche enough to do that, they're portrayed as being more reserved even if they share the same judgemental character. Also, who can't love a race who will commit terrible atrocities for the sake of their own preservation! Mechanistically I think CN is pretty much a dump stat anyway so there's no real loss there, +2 WP is great if you're a mage and only aiming for 18 WP so you can cast the high level spells - this makes Gnomes for me a better pick for a mage than Elves.

    3. Dwarves. I don't really like Dwarves for roleplaying reasons, really who enjoys playing a gruff humourless arsehole?! What really draws me to play a Dwarf is the Mysterious Dwarvern Gauntlets, because for me it's like saying whatever background you pick over all the other races you are also incorporating into that background +1 ST, +1 CN and +2 DX. If you pick Beaten with an Ugly Stick and get charged rings, Velorien's blessing, use the gauntlets and the vivifier you don't have to put a single point in DX to get it to 20, which I think is very cool! Furthermore I like technology, and the Dwarves' predisposition to it is also pretty appealing to me.

    4. Half-Elves. Half-Elves are the only race based purely off their stats who have an inherent positive stat bonus relative to the human base (+1 BE, +1 DX and then -1 CN or ST depending on male or female), which is pretty great. I know they have penalties to tech, but this can usually be altered through use of the appropriate background; and roleplaying wise I do think they're likeable, more likeable than the arrogant Elves or dull Humans that made them. To me they feel like spiced up Humans, and for that they're winning.

    5. Elves. Elves are dicks. Just look at some of the dialogue you can say and you know they're dicks ("Humans are barbarians"). That doesn't mean to say roleplaying a dick however isn't fun! I feel like their description as "dreamers" and "philosophers" also makes them a little bit annoying; I like to play characters who are realists as opposed to idealists and this is what that description tells me they are. Mechanistically they're weak in my mind, and though they're fun to play as a mage I can't help but feel like I'm better off playing a different race if I'm taking the magic route.

    6. Half-Orcs. I do like the whole repressed thing they have going on, how everyone treats them as though they're dirt, and this is fun to defy by being the kindest you could possibly be or just go with everyone's prejudices and play the meanest mofo people could ever wish to meet! That being said I think that mechanistically they are a bit of a chore to play, and with going for a strong character I would rather just play a Half-Ogre. The main exception to this is the Débuntante background for a Half-Orc female, which in my mind produces the most well rounded social character out of any other race; it allows for decent strength and dexterity in comparison to most other social backgrounds when on a Half-Orc, and also it allows for mastery of melee and dodge due to the Half-Orc bonus to these areas negating the Débuntante penalty. Also it's cool to roleplay, you can imagine a woman brought up in high society thinking she was human learning of the family secret that she was actually produced by her mother being raped by a Half-Orc; and going through her subsequent attempts to deal with her new found identity - overall an interesting concept.

    7. Humans. Humans are just plain dull to me, and their is not a single niche they are best at in terms of character builds in comparison to the other races. Arguably as they are not predisposed to anything you can play your own man without having to feel like there's a stereotype to defy or conform to, but ultimately this doesn't appeal to me. I don't like humans!

    8. Halflings. Though I really like the whole wily mischeivous thief type characters they tend to, to me Halflings are just too weak for me to like playing one! -3 to ST is just too much, and playing any sort of character with them I feel like I would much rather play the same character with another race. Sure the DX bonus is cool, but I don't play turnbased so this doesn't really mean much to me, apart from being able to max skills earlier. The most fun I had playing a Halfling was when I went for the Ran Away with the Circus background playing magic, it was cool running around in small arcane platemail chopping people up with the Bangelian Scourge (in fact I think this was the first evil character who I completed the game with, taking the evil route), but he didn't have access to the high level spells which sucked! Sorry Halflings, I just don't love you as much as the other races.

    And so that's it for my preferences, obviously don't feel the need to ramble on about your own as much as I did, I just thought it would be cool to share my own thoughts and hear yours about the races. Let me know what you think!
  2. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    A bunch or random thoughts:

    My first thoughts when I saw half Ogres: "You can play as a Super mutant in this game? Sweet!" Still haven't done so, but sweet nonetheless.

    I like the concept of great power in a little body ever since I first saw Freeza.

    On the other hand, superior longevity is why I prefer to play as an elf when I'm a mage. Being a powerful wizard goes well with being a member of the master race.

    Another cool thing about elves: portraits. What can I say, they're sexy, and who doesn't like being sexy?

    Oh, and of course sprites. Whatever they wear, be it a fancy suit, a robe or a leather armor, they look better in it than any other race. They just look great no matter what they wear (except chainmail. No one looks good in chainmail). Oh, and those noodz. Did I mention sexy?

    I didn't like dwarves at first, but that changed after my conversation with Loghaire in my first game. The king's charismatic description about things dwarven made me want to play one, though I still haven't managed to do so.

    I really like some of the muscular dwarven sprites, too, especially the nice suit (more like coat in their case) and the suede jacket.

    Never really liked them. When I want to play a human, I play a human, when I want to play an elf, I play an elf. Half Elves, being a mixture of halves of both concepts never really seemed attractive to me. I plan to play one in my future technomage playthrough, though, since they seem to fit this character better than any other race.

    I generally stay away from those repulsive creatures. I'll admit that I did enjoy my female half orc raised by orcs playthrough, but the hateful comments I got on every step became tiresome quickly.

    They have some nice backgrounds unavailable to other races, though.

    Different thought: When I first played Arcanum, I couldn't stand how unimpressingly humans looked in any given armor compared to elves, and therefore couldn't understand how someone would actually want to play as a human. I got used to it over the years and actually got to like the look of humans in some of the armors.

    Just meh.

  3. TheDavisChanger

    TheDavisChanger Well-Known Member

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    Feb 6, 2009
    Welcome to The House, Jojobob. I daresay that you have the greatest content-to-post-count ratio of anybody here.

    I have only played a half-elf character, and I chose this race for role-playing considerations. I played a technological character with him and found that the tech penalty was insignificant against the depth of technology I had him study.

    I am quite intrigued by the role-playing potential of the half-orc debutante.
  4. wayne-scales

    wayne-scales Well-Known Member

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    Aug 2, 2007
    1) Mongoloid
    2) Caucasoid
    3) Australoid
    4) Negroid
    5) Capoid
  5. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    Thank you! And yeah I did ramble a bit, I just thought people might find my thoughts about the races interesting, or at least I hoped they would!

    I agree that the tech penalty for elves of half-elves isn't very significant, as long as you're not after becoming a gunslinger with either (and even then there's the Bandit background that lets you do that with half-elves). I've played a Troll Offspring techie elf before, going with the idea that he was reviled by the other elves due to his horrible appearance and cruel nature; therefore turning to technology out of spite. I used a pyrotechnic bow and machined platemail with him which was pretty cool, it made him seem even more like an anti-elf. Honestly repair isn't a necessary skill and you only need lockpicking or disarm traps if you're after playing a thief so there isn't really anything stopping someone going tech with either of the races.

    You know what, I never even factored in their longevity to making them a superior race. I think it's just one of those things I willfully ignore about the game as I can't fathom how a 200 year old elf could be anything like a 20 year old human when you make a starting character; but it's true living so long does make them the best candidate for the master race of Arcanum, and it implies the wisdom that is required to become a great mage. Very interesting.

    I have to agree elves are sexy! When I did play the tech elf I mentioned he did look cooler than a human in machined platemail due to the extra height, it made him look more imposing I guess. That's my only gripe with half-ogres, the majority of their portraits look constipated or confused and their sprite wearing machined platemail or any high end tech armour just looks ridiculous! *Sigh* I wish half-ogres could just have the regular tin man appearance that everyone else gets in the armour.

    This is true. When I did play a human I went for the Escaped Lunatic background and played him like a paladin, with high levels of magic in things like necromantic white and whatever else I could think of that went with the paladin theme. The reason why he was a lunatic is because he was always rambling about how he had been appointed to save the world, and that he had been given a divine mission. Turns out he wasn't so crazy after all!

  6. wayne-scales

    wayne-scales Well-Known Member

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    Aug 2, 2007
    Pot calling the kettle black!
  7. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    I was actually talking to someone in public earlier about posting this topic up and I said "I just posted up how you would rank the different races" without realising how bad that would sound to anyone in earshot, oh well!
  8. TheDavisChanger

    TheDavisChanger Well-Known Member

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    Feb 6, 2009
    You said a great deal and you broke it up in digestible chunks. Not only did you use a good many words, but the content of your post was high; it had value in addition to words.

    If I would have shared this anywhere, it seems as if I would have shared this at The House:
  9. Constipation

    Constipation New Member

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    Dec 21, 2010
    Constipated ones have feelings too, you know!
  10. Hawkthorne

    Hawkthorne New Member

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    Jun 24, 2009
    1. Elves are my favorite. But maybe that's because I used to play a lot of persuasive mage characters.

    2. Half-Orcs: I have gotten really good results with half-orc female characters. If you use the Sickly background, it's pretty easy to create an awesome gun smith character. I had a Raised by Orcs female fighter/mage half-orc character who kicked almost enough butt to make it worth putting up with all the casual racism.

    3. Half-Elves: decent all around characters, they used to be my first choice for thieves and technologists

    4. Dwarves: I can't get excited enough about dwarves to really enjoy playing as one. I guess that's because I'm not really interested in going the tech/melee route.

    5. Half-Ogres: I tried to go against type and create a half-ogre gunslinger who could actually use the heavier two-handed guns. It was no fun whatsoever and that experience kind of soured me on playing as one again.

    6. humans: boring, boring, boring even if you can start out with some magic armor that makes the early parts of the game much easier.

    7. halflings: the penalties are too much of a drag to get excited about being a better thief

    8. gnomes: story reasons
  11. UniversalWolf

    UniversalWolf New Member

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    Dec 23, 2008
    I prefer the gnomes from Harry Potter: garden pests that look like wrinkly potatoes with arms and legs.

    I always wanted to be able to play a Kite in Arcanum.
  12. Kaitol

    Kaitol New Member

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    Dec 13, 2010
    1. Elves. Because I'm a fantasy fag.
    2. Half-Elves. Because they're Diet Elves.
    3. Humans. Because while they're not Fantasy. They're still not midgets. Or scary.
    4. Half-Orc. Because sometimes tough ugly guys who can still be fairly intelligent can be cool.
    5. Half-Ogre. Not a midget. Also, massively intimidating in full plate with a two-hander.
    6. Dwarves. At least they have badass accents and technology. Dwarves with guns.
    7. Halflings. Rats with hairy feet. At least they can be comic relief as a berserker or ninjas or something.
    8. Gnomes. Fucking assholes. And midgets. I hate gnomes.
  13. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    Elves, Half-Ogres and Half-orc débutantes! Have yet to complete the game as a dwarf. Don't know why.
  14. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    Since I started this thread I've completed the game with two Elves and I guess I'd now rate them at the number 3 spot. I think it's because I used to play predominantly tech characters and so now I'm having a magickal renaissance, elven techomages are awesome! Also as Muro stated their sprites look cool and they do have great longevity.

    Why is there no love for Dwarves? I'm not sure if I've ever completed the game with one, but I can remember at least getting to Caladon before losing interest which is almost completing the game; even when I lost interest it was in the character build I made and not the fact I was playing a Dwarf. I would always rank Dwarves highly, they are a distinctive and intriguing race.
  15. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 22, 2007
  16. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    Lesson learnt, always re-read my original message before making a moronic post! But nevertheless even if they are gruff and humourless they are also stoic and stalwart - maybe that doesn't translate into a fun roleplaying experience for most people but it does make them distinctive. I like playing evil Dwarves - by dint of them being humourless I imagine they are resolute in their cruel and malign nature. Playing evil also ties in better with the Beaten with an Ugly Stick background I prefer for Dwarves, because in reality no one would be saintly enough to take so much insulting crap like you get in Arcanum for being ugly and not feel bitter about it.
  17. Wasted_Savior

    Wasted_Savior Member

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    Jul 2, 2011
    In an effort to be as dramatic as possible I shall be reviewing my picks from least favorite to my most adored! I must warn you my opinions are both irrational and more than likely offensive to all of the senses. This analysis does not take into account racial bonuses and is simply judged on the basis of each races potential for internal roleplaying.

    8. Half-Elves
    Half-Elves managed to be my least favorite race! My very first character was a half-elf bandit with a tendency towards pyromania. Why is this my least favorite? Half elf has to be the most vanilla race of all time. Yes, you could play the halfbreed torn between his elvish heritage and his human motives but as i played my half elf i always felt torn between the two, i never felt like i had a central focus and focus is important for being able to stick with a character through such a wonderfully extensive game.

    7. Halfing
    My first experience with a halfing was an orphan thief with proficiency in bows. My little cat burglar was entertaining for about half the game, when the dazzling projectiles of my bow became dull and the world no longer possessed an item of value that i couldn't pilfer. I had nothing of interest left to explore, so i created another halfing with a inclination for magic. He was a ferocious little dark wizard, but i never felt like the halfing had a home in Arcanum. There was never really an opportunity for me to feel like my halfing heritage mattered.

    6. Elves
    Elves, where oh where to begin? My disdain for elves doesn't fall onto their arrogant attitudes towards the other races, their pale and slender figure, or even their inclination towards magic. My loathing of this race is summed up in the idea that elves are over-played. Every tom, dick, and harry has taken this harlot for a turn. I can't apologize enough if this offends anyone, but the idea of a magical elf from a forest citadel is a rather tired idea. The only redeeming quality for elves was the opportunity to dabble in the dark with the dark elves. It's rather obvious elves make a promising mage, but i find it much more amusing to play a character whom lusts for the power, and is not innately attuned to it.

    5. Gnomes
    Gnomes fall in at number 5, why? Because i can't rank everything #1. Many of my choices here were of great conflict because I've enjoyed thoroughly exploring the options Arcanum has to offer. My favorite gnomish enterprise was actually indulging in the half-orc conspiracy. My dapper little gnome, a prolific entrepreneur with a gifted tongue and a quick draw to back it up conducted his business with the iron shackles of the Tarantian legal system. My little gnomish prince walked the streets of Tarant in a fine suit, top hat, and as many ogre servants as i could afford. Playing my part in the half-orc conspiracy was one of my fondest acts of debauchery.

    4. Dwarves
    Dwarves are rather interesting to play, they are rather similar to the elves in that your expected to play a role, and equipped to do it. However, i feel like the story and background of the dwarves in arcanum was very well compiled and there was little redundancy exploring their traditions, inventions and ambitions playing a stereotypical dwarven techie. As a child I read The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien while buried in a mess of chairs, blankets and pillows while eating tea cakes and dreaming of adventures in the hellish depths of an abandoned dwarven mine. Perhaps this inspired me to over-look the novel nature of my dwarven protagonist. Regardless of my bias they've managed to steal their way into my heart and I always enjoy toiling away in an abandoned warehouse with all manner of weapons and gadgets.

    3. Half-Orcs
    Closing in on number one we find half-orcs in number three. How this managed to rank so high on my list is beyond me, but in playing an orc that escaped the life of a factory worker to struggle to become a prolific inventor and advocator of equal rights I found that orcs have a rich cultural experience to be discovered in arcanum. Being subject to constant abuse while forging a fortune from scraps almost gave me an overwhelming underdog complex. By the end of the game I was proud that my little techling had managed to bite scratch and scrape his way through everything i could subject him to. Lets not forget the fire, venting frustration with Molotov cocktails on hapless populations that had subjugated and oppressed my people for centuries was a rewarding experience.

    2. Half-Ogres
    Half-Ogres? I am just as surprised as you are. Why am i so fond of ogres? I never thought i would be until i actually had the free time to play one. My ogre was a champion of ineptitude and feeble minded singularity. Why play a character with the intelligence of an anvil? The strength to match it. What do you do when an unstoppable force collides with an immovable object, just have an ogre move it of course! The ill-witted oaf made for countless entertaining conversations and proved to be an incredibly powerful freight train of destruction. While the dialog didn't allow for any in depth character development it did shine an inkling of empathy on the ogre situation and it was interesting to get a fresh perspective of arcanum.

    1. Human
    Ah, last but not least. Why is human number one you might ask me? Is it not just as vanilla as dwarves, elves, or half-elf? Why yes kind reader, you are correct! What is the difference between them that makes humans so enjoyable? Versatility! Elves and dwarves have expectations, humans are a jack-of-all trades. An escaped lunatic with a love for all things shiny? A desperate necromancer longing for immortality at any costs? A suave and beautiful business man? A technologically gifted inventor with visions of grand mechanical titans? In the world of arcanum humans are king because they have limitless possibilities.

    That wraps up my entirely too long ramble, so let me simply put that it is my very good pleasure to join this community and i am very glad to see that people still enjoy discussing one of the greatest games I've had the privilege of playing.
  18. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    Welcome to the forum, it's a pleasure to have you aboard Wasted Savior! And don't worry your post didn't ramble on any more than my first one did, it was also a very interesting read.

    I agree that playing a magical elf is playing possibly the dullest fantasy stereotype you can have; this is why I think it's better to play technomages with elves. Roleplaying-wise your elf refuses to be hidebound by magic like the majority of his race and instead chooses to dabble in both - making them unique in the fact that they are not wholly ignorant to one end of the magic/tech spectrum like most of the inhabitants of Arcanum. The fact they aren't a stereotype gives you more autonomy in your roleplaying choices too, as you don't have to feel like because your character exclusively uses magic he won't go for any quests involving technology.

    I too read the Hobbit and LotR (very much liking Gimli) at an early age, maybe this is why dwarves appear high on my list despite being gruff and humourless. The developers did also put a lot of effort into giving them a unique and interesting history and culture - more so than they did with the elves I feel.

    It is true that humans do have more possibilities than any other race, perhaps I was a bit negative about them in my original post! By playing a human there is nothing racially that predisposes you to a certain roleplaying experience so you can have your pick of anything. I'm thinking of playing a human Frankenstein Monster for my next playthrough, can't really get a handle on what I want this character to do yet though.
  19. de Vere

    de Vere New Member

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    Mar 24, 2010
    EDIT: Urk, didn't realise how long this topic had gone without an update - it was still on the first page! Did not intend to gravedig, my apologies, will not be upset if this post gets deleted.

    Hmm... let me think, here.

    Alright, my thought processes:

    Not going to try to rank them in specific order, from first to last or anything like that - I'm much more interested in individual characters and how their stories tie into their races, than I am in the races themselves. I will say that I have trouble getting into playing halflings or gnomes, and humans I like primarily because they simply don't have to worry about backstory as much - humans are humans. Half-ogres are up there on my list for, really, two reasons - one, that playing an intelligent warrior half-ogre was my very first successful playthrough and I had an absolute blast with him, and two, that I've just recently started a complete moron warrior playthrough and it is absolutely hilarious. I've taken to asking Virgil what to do next all the time - Virgil is honestly the leader of this party, not my Aug - and among all the hilarious, epic, breathless-laughter conversations involved in playing an idiot character, none of them so much as hold a candle to poor Virgil slowly losing his sanity. Huge props to the voice actor for the way he played
    ...anyways, I ramble.

    My current character, and simply my favorite character to date, is a dwarf, and I have to just really, really complain about this thought process! Just because dwarves in general are gruff and humorless doesn't mean you have to play yours in that manner, after all. My dwarf is a technologist, adventurer and occasional thief, and I've gone out of my way to play him as deadpan snarky as the game will allow me to. Even if it gets me into trouble sometimes.

    In the end, apart from finding Gnomes and Halflings difficult to play, and getting rather annoyed by the constant racism against Half-Orcs, I'd have to say that I don't have a "favorite" race - that they all offer fantastic opportunities for character development and stories, and they all have their place. (As for mechanics, though? I have difficulty with the downsides of each race, and so I tend to go with human female tomboys so I can just build whatever I want.)

    ...that sounds brilliant, and I do believe that's going to be my next character concept. Thank you, sir.
  20. TheDavisChanger

    TheDavisChanger Well-Known Member

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    Feb 6, 2009
    Regarding your edit...

    I wouldn't worry about it too much. Reading your necromancy beats watching Smuel's shadow puppets in the General Discussion.
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