Do you want me to leave?

Discussion in 'Vault of Folly' started by Smuelio, Mar 8, 2011.

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Do you want me to leave?

  1. Yes - I know for an American Fact that you are HWLFP and I hate you

    0 vote(s)
  2. Yes - even if you aren't HWLFP, I still don't want you here

    0 vote(s)
  3. No

    0 vote(s)
  4. I don't care

    0 vote(s)
  1. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2006
    "Maybe," I, "just doesn't," is more like it. What do you expect a moderator to do about a banned account? I don't have any power other than what I can edit or delete in General Discussion. I never got your email anyway. Get my name right.
  2. magikot

    magikot Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 29, 2003

    DarkFool used Ban Hammer!
    It's super effective!
    Rex fainted.

    DFS used Enrage!
    It's not very effective.

    ...I've been playing too much pokemon the past few days...
  3. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 22, 2007
  4. Smuella

    Smuella New Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 11, 2011
    Hello, it's Smuel here again. I wasn't going to come back, since convincing you that I'm not HWLFP seems like a lost cause, and even if it isn't, you're still being pretty hostile to me - five votes for "Even if you aren't HWLFP I still don't want you here"? Charming.

    However, the banning of Rex is just wrong. I can tell you categorically that Rex and I are not the same person. You may not believe that I'm not HWLFP, and I can't say for sure that Rex isn't HWLFP, but Rex definitely isn't me. Of course, at this stage I don't expect you to believe anything I say, so I will now attempt to use evidence and reason to convince you, and hopefully someone will read this and think "Hmm... maybe he's got a point" before it gets deleted.

    I admit that I only came here to troll and post snappy one liners, and it's just my bad luck that in this forum of people who troll and post snappy one liners you decided that I was someone in particular who trolls and posts snappy one liners, and banned me. Yeah, it's all in good fun. However, look at Rex's posting history - it has the profile of someone who came to the site to talk about Arcanum and then wandered into General Discussion and asked an innocent question.

    Now you could say "Aha - but that is exactly what a troll with a puppet account would do!" Yes. But it is also exactly what someone who came here to post Arcanum questions might do. And really - if you suppose that Rex and I are the same person, and it was all part of some grand scheme to fool you - what could "my" plan have been? To spend two months building up this "Rex" character as a genuine poster by asking a bunch of questions I really had no interest in, and then bring him out as "my" secret weapon to interact with the troll AFTER you've identified and banned the troll? That doesn't make any sense.

    This bit really throws me for a loop though. How can this be? There are four possibilities that I can think of:

    1. Rex and I work for the same small company in London.
    2. A bug in phpBB means the wrong IP address got recorded.
    3. Someone altered the forum's logs and substituted my IP address for his.
    4. DarkFool made a mistake.

    Okay, now #1 seems like an unlikely coincidence, especially given that Rex's posting times don't chime with someone who works in a UK time zone. (But if it's true, hi Rex - I'm in the FA-IT group - how about you?) #2 doesn't seem possible - I searched on Google for IP logging bugs in phpBB, and didn't find anything. #3 seems ridiculous - I mean, honestly, who cares about Rex and me that much? That leaves #4. Maybe the IP addresses only differ by a couple of digits and DarkFool didn't notice. Or maybe they're completely different but he didn't pay that much attention, since he had probably already decided that we were both puppet accounts. That seems to be the way this place operates - "Guilty until proven innocent, and by the way it's impossible for you to prove your innocence. You're banned. Have a nice day." So my money is on #4, and the really nice thing about #4 is that anyone with appropriate access could go back and check. Perhaps they'll take the trouble to do that before jumping to any more conclusions.

    So anyway, most of you probably didn't concentrate on what I've written here, and are only thinking "Hur hur, it's HWLFP again, ban him, hur hur" but I ask that before you ban me again, you unban Rex. Firstly, it's the decent thing to do. Secondly, you might vaguely care about the reputation of this place. And thirdly - let's say I didn't convince you and you still think that Rex and I are both puppet accounts of HWLFP. In that case "I" seem to care an awful lot about the Rex account. "I" must have big plans for it. Why not unban it and then see what unfolds - it would probably be spectacular.
    ytzk likes this.
  5. Wolfsbane

    Wolfsbane Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 11, 2005
    You're ridiculous. Just stop it and leave.
  6. Smuella

    Smuella New Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 11, 2011
    Called it!

    Now could someone with an attention span of more than 30 seconds please actually consider what I wrote.
  7. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    Ow, my brain! What a tangled web, this is why I consider autism a virtue.

    I have to believe everyone is who they say they are, it's much simpler.
  8. DFS

    DFS New Member

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    Mar 10, 2011
    Unless poland is in england, somehow.
    Admin is just stupid, full stop.
    P.S. I really hope that samuelio will troll you A LOT, I really do.
    Small list of facts from admin's world:
    1.Poland is in England.
    2.If you post few minutes after someone else you are him.
    3.Samuelio is so devoted and planning that he makes account before february, post few posts and then he moves in with mainspam AND foolishly use same i.p. on two accounts.

    1 is impossible, 2 is a sometimes true 3. is some kind of paradox, as much as admin being such idiot to consider poland = england.

    And I wonder how can it be explain that I have : Steam account,mail, youtube account and another forum account on names 'REX'.
    Samuelio planned shitty bullshit 20 posts for YEARS?
  9. magikot

    magikot Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 29, 2003
    Given that the last time Rodney was here he told us that he had multiple accounts registered here that he's yet to use, number 3 isn't a paradox at all, it's very damn likely.
  10. Smuella

    Smuella New Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 11, 2011
    Well Rex, I'm glad we've established that you don't work in the same company as me. That would have been weird. Calling the admin stupid probably isn't helping your case though.

    I would have phrased it as they have "selective attention to detail". I mean - the email I used to register my first account here is .uk and my IP is a static UK one, and my posting times are entirely consistent with work hours in the UK, which is when I said I was posting. Yet they ignore all that, because a troll in Oregon could have faked it. However, when I make a one-line joke about inviting them to a pretend barbeque, I get banned, because apparently it's something that HWLFP once did, and nobody would ever independently think of the idea of holding a pretend barbeque.

    On the plus side, if they do revoke your ban, it looks like you'll fit in well around here.

    Ah - it's American Fact syndrome again. Rex's evidence that he's real just re-inforces your belief that he isn't. Even if he proved to you that he was one of the original developers of Arcanum you'd probably respond with "Ah, HWLFP must have created the game as part of a plan knowing that we'd create a forum about it and then he could troll us!"
  11. DFS

    DFS New Member

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    Mar 10, 2011
    If you like 'idiotic posts' over 'shitty bullshit spam posts' then I will call whole stupid thread about chaning colors 'idiotic' instead of 'spam'.

    And rodney is..... samuelio, me, hwlfp or what.
    We are down to:
    (poland is in england AND samu.... planned this stuff for 3 years) OR (DarkFool fucked up) OR (forum is bugged)
  12. Philes

    Philes Well-Known Member

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    Aug 22, 2006
    The fact that you're so persistent and seem to care so much betrays you, ordinary first-comers would have been like "wtf, these guys are assholes" and left.
  13. Smuella

    Smuella New Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 11, 2011
  14. magikot

    magikot Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 29, 2003
    Ah - it's Stupid Internet Troll syndrome again. Nowhere did I say it was a fact that Rex is Rodney. I was disagreeing with Rex's assertion that option 3 he listed is a paradox and was likely something that you would do.

    @Rex: Rodney, Hell bokos, Bell Hooks, Smuel, HWLFP - they're all the same person and I use the names interchangeably.
  15. Smuella

    Smuella New Member

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    Mar 11, 2011
    Well it seems that Magikot believes that Rex is genuine. And here I was thinking that you were ALL paranoid consipiracy theorists.
  16. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

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    Feb 21, 2006
    Just to put it out there, I never thought Rex was our "beloved" troll. However, DF is going to ban who he wants, so really it's all on him. What's happening right now is something HWLFP wanted, the banning of innocents. If my word means anything, Rex, smarten up your posts. Calling the staff names isn't going to help you get unbanned. Smuel, you're too persistent for your own good.
  17. DFS

    DFS New Member

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    Mar 10, 2011
    Magikot, if you know that all because Admin told you then... :p
    It's not like I need to keep being here, I logged just cus I didn't knew one thing, everything else I gathered by searching way before logging. But I hope darkfool loses at least some (sub)conscious respect/trust in some people minds and maybe it will inspire samuelio to troll him a bit, he deserves that for being such fool. Or maybe he will be less reckless when banning further innocients.
    Not doing anything wrong should not get me banned, it did. => Logic is reversed on this forum.
  18. Smuella

    Smuella New Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 11, 2011
    So what do you propose - in order that you guys let me come and post here, I should post less, and not care when I get banned? Yeah, that'll work.
  19. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2006
    This is absolutely retarded. We can't get rid of anyone anymore, they all become trolls.
  20. Smuella

    Smuella New Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 11, 2011
    Well what do you expect? If you ban someone innocent of course they are going to come back and say "why did you do that?" The real HWLFP would just try a bit later with a new alt. He certainly wouldn't come back immediately and tell you that he was the same guy you just banned and then carry on trying to have conversations with you about the injustice of it. And then come back a third time and try to get you to unban someone else completely unconnected to him.

    But I guess if you read this post using your "Smuel is HWLFP" filter it just looks like this:

    Ha ha, I am HWLFP and I nearly fooled you all again but now I'm hoping you temporarily forget that you've worked out that I'm HWLFP and unban Rex just because I asked you to, and this is all part of my plan. Trolled!
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