if you're curious enough, click the link below.. it came from a certain FB account from a certain person named "Adolf Alovis Hitler"... he claimed to have research that reiterates hitler about WWII... it might ring some bells on the side of the Brits,,, (you can check Adolf's info for his research)..... and if you're witty enough you could like his page and snap some comments on it... they're a unique bunch of guys who adore hitler for some personal reasons.. words like; "...LEADERSHIP QUALITIES AND HIS GUTTS AND SPIRIT TO MAKE A WORLD WAR.. EITHER WAT EVA HE DID WAS UNFAIR ... BUT NO COMMON MAN CAN DO SUCH A BIG HISTORY FOR YOUR OWN LIFE..." http://www.facebook.com/permalink.p...62637225&ref=notif¬if_t=feed_comment_reply
i guess they already banned "adolf alovis hitler"... too bad I didn't make some screenshots.. but what can you say about hitler mr. muro?
He was a crappy artist, but a wonderful designer. Someone once said he was quite the orator, also. But the again, he was a madman. A loon. A fucking imbecile. People should stop being amazed by this man and start hating his guts.