Yes, I know that older game from Sierra. It have been awhile that I played that one. Now I know what I am doing this weekend...playing Incredible Machine, and this. Also, how is the cartoon version of the Incredible machine?
If you get to the level Fight The Tide, and actually beat it, let me know...I think it's glitched. Going into the Goal Zone doesn't give me a victory.
It has to go in vertically (or nearly vertically) because any other way the pink think is too long to fit entirely in the goal. This is how I beat it:
That's similar to how I did it. My little magnet powered cart shot right through with no victory tho'. Edit: I just tried it again in the same way I originally did it, and it worked this time. Meh. Other than, I think I've gotten the rest. Pretty fun. Accidentally made a pertetual engine in one scenario.