A lot of stores on the Internet offer you to create custom designs on t-shirts, mugs, wall clocks and the like. However, none seems to offer the creation of custom teapots. If anyone of you know of a service where I can upload a screenshot from a game and put it on a custom teapot, an inside joke will be perfected and I'll have the gift for a friend's 30th birthday.
The best I found was promotional teapots with custom company logos and this place, but it doesn't look like they do teapots, which sucks because they do exactly what you were talking about. This place might be able to help you out, but their decals are only four colors. They do indeed do teapots.
Thank you Spongy, I've sent an email to the first company you suggested and asked for more details. If it turns out to be outrageously expensive I'll figure out something else, but if not... Ever played the SNES JRPG Illusion of Gaia (called Illusion of Time in some places)? There is a quest where you must find a teapot. Well, he played it on ZSNES several years ago, and as he found the teapot he screamed the words on the screen, "YOU HAVE FOUND THE TEAPOT". Banal as that may seem, we all burst out laughing and it's been a running gag ever since. So, a teapot with a screenshot of that particular event in the game would be the perfect gift.
It was games like Illusion of Gaia that taught me English, school merely had an auxiliary role in the matter.
Jesus Christ that gave me a horrible realization. My best friend is US born but has a German national mother. When he went to Germany one (scratch that, every) christmas, he got a game called Probotector for his gameboy, and he thought it was Robotech (being a big fan of Robotech on cartoon network at the time). It was actually Contra. I could destroy a childhood memory. A game I feel similarly towards is Chrono Trigger, which I mention any time someone else on this forum ever mentions their halcyon days of gaming. Though, I really do enjoy Fable and Fable 2. They seem like games to me. They're games. Though it may be too bad that I don't know Spanish in the same way, it being the second most known native tongue in the world. Hmm...that could be why the US is so bilingual.
I must have misread the positions this morning when I made the post. Edit; I can't load wikipedia right now, the server connection keeps resetting as I load the page. But, I could swear when I was on it, I checked english, because I was looking up a word in old english (motha{means Grendel's mother}) and the search brought me to that wikipedia page, and at the end of the first paragraph it listed English as the third most native spoken language in the world, after Mandarin and Spanish, and so I checked Spanish and it confirmed that it was the second. I didn't bother checking Mandarin, that's pretty obvious. Edit2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_language
Well, considering the difference seems to be rather small (1-8 million for an estimate involving hundreds of millions?) maybe there are other estimates that have them inverted; and that's even assuming the data Muro was looking at had native speakers only rather than, say, first and second language speakers.
I stand corrected. According to Wikipedia, at the moment Mandarin is first, Spanish is indeed second and English is third when it comes to the number of native speakers. Last that I checked those statistics (which could be up to two, maybe three years ago), English was before Spanish, but it seems that it could have changed recently, seeing how the differences between Spanish and English are indeed pretty minimal. PS. An interesting curiosity.
"A game I feel similarly towards is Chrono Trigger" Can't decide if that, or Shadow Run is my favorite SNES game of all time. In any event, Magus is my favorite character. Complete cliche' as he is.