Half Ogre techy

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by flyingmonkey, Oct 16, 2009.

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  1. flyingmonkey

    flyingmonkey New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2008
    Hey everyone,

    so I wanted to do something a bit different and decided to play a half ogre with one of the intelligence boosting backgrounds (cause lets face it, ogres have str and con to burn) so that I could get into tech. My goal was to have a half ogre shock team of me, Sogg and Chukka. Long story short I didn't get out of the crash site before Virgil crit failed on the stranger by the alter and, from full health, hacked himself in half with a big ass magic sword I found in the Kite Shaman's chest. Uber lame.

    http://i567.photobucket.com/albums/ss12 ... virgil.png

    Anyway, by that point it was late and I was drunk so I ditched that idea, but if I were to pick it back up, and I realize the answer to this is probably no, but if you get your smithy skills up as a large character do you make large armor? I suppose the converse would have to hold true; that is, do small characters make small armor?

    -As a followup to that question, I've seen large basic plate and large bronzed plate, is there any heavier large armor out there?

    Actual second question: my current half orc Frankenstein monster techy has passed the point will Virgil will heal him, I also have Jayne Stills and Magnus with me and Virgil won't heal them either (just himself and dog). Are there any tech or neutral characters that will automatically heal people like Virgil does? Jayne won't, even if she has salves in her inventory.

    -oh, and I'm running with the official patch, high rez and UAP
  2. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    :chuckles: Magnificent. Thanks for the laugh.

    Every character can do all sizes of armors. The size depends fully on the ingredients. For example, if you use a Medium Leather Armor, you get a Medium Feather-Weight Chainmail from the Feather-Weight Chainmail schematic, yet if you use a Large Leather Armor for it, you get a large Feather-Weight Chainmail, and so on with all armor creating schematics.

    If you're playing a magick character, there's the Large Arcane Leather Armor (not stricktly heavier by weight, but more powerful by magic means). But you aren't, obviously. For tech characters there are the ones which you can make yourself, so the two best options would be the Large Machined Platemail and the Large Electro-Armor.

    Both Virgil and Jayna can use their Heal Skill automatically if they have bandages in their inventory. The same should go with anyone having healing salves in their inventory. Perhaps you have the "Follower's skills" option disabled? If so, you should turn it on in your game options if you want them to heal you. Or at least that's my guess, it's worth a try anyway.
  3. flyingmonkey

    flyingmonkey New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2008
    Out standing! Thanks for the answer on the crafting armor size question. I'll try hooking Jayna up with some bandages, or look for the follower skill option and see how that works out. My half orcs pretty ugly, maybe she just doesn't want to go near him :p
  4. kcwong

    kcwong New Member

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    Jan 8, 2002
    All tech followers will use healing salves to heal themselves and others... just keep them well-stocked.

    When playing a techie I often fill Magnus's inventory with healing salves and he heals me more than I wanted to (healing every minor scratch, using up healing salves a bit too fast).
  5. Ramidel

    Ramidel New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 20, 2008
  6. papa_dog_1999

    papa_dog_1999 Well-Known Member

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    Aug 14, 2008
    I know it's been touted already, but that's just epic.

  7. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    The item was nonexistent in the vanilla version (or at least not possible to get in the game without cheating, I'm not sure which one of those, but there's no difference for the player anyway), yet in the UAP version it is possible to get it at the same place where you buy Medium Bronze Plates, that is at a Quality Smith's place.
  8. flyingmonkey

    flyingmonkey New Member

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    Jun 13, 2008
    Word, once I started watching it I realized followers like Jayna were healing me, they were just healing so much they were blowing through a dozen healing salves a battle. Rather annoying.

    Yes, like Muro said I'm playing with the UAP. I went into the smith in Tarrant and there it was, sadly I didn't have any half ogres in my party and didn't buy it. Regrets. Since then though I've tried to get it to be stocked again with no luck, and I haven't seen it any were else. I've probably passed twenty or thirty days in game just checking his stock, running a block away and advancing time just to run back. Whatever it's spawn chance is, it's low. Large Basic Plate stocks pretty regularly though (maybe once every 5-10 days). What's strange though is that he stocks small bronzed plate like every five days.

    \Oh, and to my pic, what shocked me the most was that there's an actual cutting-yourself-in-half animation. The dangling spine coming out of the torso though, that's just classy.
  9. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    Technically, an item spawns in a shopkeerep's stock not by the rule of "every x days" but "there's a x% chance each day to appear". Drog surely made the Large/Small Bronzed Plates appear less often than a Medium one (which has a 50% chance each day to appear in a Quality Smith's stock), but the % chance for small and large should be pretty much the same, so you was just out of luck, it seems.
  10. flyingmonkey

    flyingmonkey New Member

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    Jun 13, 2008
    I wonder, does the Tarrant smith (next to the gun store) count as a "quality" smith, as opposed to... well... a poor quality smith? A mediocre smith? Walmart? I'm wondering if a different store would have a better chance.

    I've got myself (a dwarf), magnus, virgil and jayna all in bronzed plate last night, just sogg running around looking like a tool in purple magical large leather. I must complete the golden horde!
  11. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    As opposed to Rural Smith, Dwarven Smith, Wheel Clan Smith and Magick Smith, yes. Wallow’s Quality Armour in Tarant and Premium Armature in Ashbury are the two Quality Smiths in the game. They were the only smiths that selled Medium Bronzed Plates in vanilla Arcanum, so I guess they will be the only ones where you can buy a Large Bronzed Plate in the UAP as well.

    That's sound like something I'd like to see. Here's a mission for you: Find him a plate and post screenshots.
  12. flyingmonkey

    flyingmonkey New Member

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    Jun 13, 2008

    Yeah, I just waisted like nine trillion days waiting for large bronzed plate. If it comes back up, it comes back up. Otherwise screw it, I'll have featherweight chain mail before too much longer.

    /I have only been looking at Willow's Quality Armour in Tarant, if anyone sees LBP showing up anywhere else, especially with any kind of regularity, I'd love to know

    So the game gods be watching this forum, I posted the above picture, opened up Arcanum to close it out and thought, eh, one more check can't hurt, and lo-and-behold, there's a set of LBP


  13. Post-Internet Syndrome

    Post-Internet Syndrome New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 6, 2009
    You don't have to run down the street, just scroll the screen so that the vendor is not i view. Just saying...
  14. flyingmonkey

    flyingmonkey New Member

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    Jun 13, 2008
    I had figured out I could stay pretty close to the store but didn't realize that was specifically what I had to do. Good to know.
  15. Dodgy7

    Dodgy7 New Member

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    Jul 27, 2004
    On a similar account, I just spent ages trying to get a couple of Arcane Rings from the Wise Woman in Tarant. I had to give up in the end; after killing and ressurecting her a few times I was roughly 2 million coins richer, coupled with tons of neat Arcane items, but I only got one ring.
  16. flyingmonkey

    flyingmonkey New Member

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    Jun 13, 2008
    Interesting, I've never tried resurrecting a shop keeper, wouldn't they hate you? Does it still count towards any of the "Killer of [insert town/city name here]" reputations? I don't have any saves far enough along right now to have resurrection tech or magic, but 2 million coins is a lot of coins (I've never had the cash on hand to buy the ship later in game, I'd like to just for the hell of it one of these times through)

    /And then I wonder if I played a sneaky pick lock character, and looted a store, if it would restock the next day, and how the shopkeeper would react. I assume I would have to sell everything through the black market fence.
    //And then I think about all the cool stuff I could do then, and the party layout I would have
    ///And then I realize yet again why I love this game
    /but seriously, starting the game all over again is such a drag
  17. Zanza

    Zanza Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 20, 2009
    I'm just surprised that the shopkeeper said LOL.
  18. kcwong

    kcwong New Member

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    Jan 8, 2002
    You don't do the killing directly; nor do your followers. Drop a piece of cursed item doing DOT (damage over time) in front of them, and wait for them to pick it up. For dwarves consider dropping items like life-stealing dagger which would reduce their resistances and healing speed.
  19. Dodgy7

    Dodgy7 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 27, 2004
    Yes, what he said. The first couple of times I used the wall/dynamite trick I picked up using the search function as well, it was a lot quicker than watching the baneful gauntlets do their thing. Also, exploding gnomes; how can you go wrong!?
  20. DarkFool

    DarkFool Nemesis of the Ancients

    Likes Received:
    Jan 28, 2005
    What is the Wall/dynamite trick? I want to 'splode gnomes.

    FlyingMonkey: when looking at your screenshot, the gnome/dwarf facing the camera looks vaguely cthulu-ish.
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