okay, I feel like a total yutz and whiner, 'cause it seems like I never can figger anything out for myself, but I can't seem to get my trap door to link to the map I made for the darn thing...see, I made a trap door to lead to a basement, but I wanted to keep all of my basements on a separate map, but on the jump thingie, the map I made ain't one of the options...aaaaand..I wanna find out how to make my npc's react negative or positive to my pc remarks, anybody know how to do that? (change reactions to that npc to the neg, or pos?)
In order for your map to show up on the jump thingy you gotta add it to Maplist.mes in the Rules directory. Just make a new entry like: {5002}{upperandlowerstories, 2045, 2047, WorldMap: 0} Be sure to select the start location. You can also attach a script to the use option of any object and trigger a teleport using a simple script that points to your map and your location. A jump point will teleport you as soon as you walk over it but attaching a script to the use of an item will allow the charater to actually use the item before being teleported. The script would look like this: 0. teleport Triggerer to map 5002 at X:2045 Y: 2047 1. return and SKIP default The same rule applies to these kinds of scripts that applies to dialog.
To make an NPC have reation to your character that again is gonna be controlled by a script. When creating your dialog the script you use to create the dialog will also contain the line for creating the pos or neg effect on the NPC. In a simple dialog script you would have something like this: 0. dialog 1 1. return and SKIP default 2. Spells: cast spell 181 on Triggerer 3. dialog 13 4. return and SKIP default Line 2 is the part of the script that creates the effect. In the case of the script I'm showing you this line would make the character slightly drunk (this is the script for a bartender in The Dungeon Crawl). So to activate this script you would indicate this response in the dialog line: {11}{Thank you. [You drink it down.]}{}{5}{}{-2}{} The -2 is pointing to line 2 in the dialog script and if you look back at the script following line 2 line 3 tells the NPC to respond with line 13 of the dialog and continue the converstation. In your case, you would enter two lines in your dialog script one for the positive reation and one for the negative reaction. The lines would look like this: 2. reaction of NPC Attachee to pc Triggerer: adjust by -10 3. return and SKIP default 4. reaction of NPC Attachee to pc Triggerer: adjust by +10 5. return and SKIP default I know it's long winded but I hope it helps if ya gots more questions a good way to learn how stuff works is to disect the game files used in The Dungeon Crawl. I spent a good few hours just reading her dialog files and browsing all the script files and seeing how they were attached in the World editor. Helped me alot. Of course if you still have questions that is what this message board is all about!