I have seen claims in the forums that you get a total of 64 skill points. However, I am level 50 and I count 59, one for each level 2-50 + an extra one at 5,10,15,... = 49+10 = 59. Is there some way I can get 5 more skill points to spend in some quest I missed? I haven't done the gods quest, but that doesn't seem to mention any. I have not yet finished the game (in the Vendigroth ruins), so maybe they occur after? Or am I wrong about the 64?
Likely Yeah, that sounds right. I was thinking post creation, but you do get 64 total which is probably what the posts referred to. I had forgotten about them.... Dang, I would have liked 5 more :sad:
You get 12 character points between each of 11 and 20 (inclusive), 21 and 30, 31 and 40, 41 and 50 = 48. Plus 11 from 2-10 gives 59, plus your 5 at character creation (provided it didn't take a pre-generated character) gives 64.