No, you have to start from scratch. Nothing stopping you from manually duplicating your characters though...
Uhhh ... yea there is, you can hit some key and it does it, i did it on accident once, (and I know for a fact it worked, because i'd only played MP once, and all of sudden I hat like a level 16 character witht he same name as my cahracter from that game) ... just save your game and try hitting like the f keys and junk ...
That's very unlikely - what's to stop me converting my level 50 half-orc to multiplayer and slaughtering everyone on every server and whatnot? That seems very unbalanced - means you can bring in cross-displine schematics to multiplayer (I don't know that they are available in multiplayer either.)
Actually what Dine says is true... I did it by accident too and some thing came up and says do you want to import this char to Multiplayer? or something like this?
Go to the Character Sheet and hit X on the keyboard to export your character. As to the balance issues, someone hosting a multiplayer game can set level limits to make sure nobody too powerful joins the game. Exported characters don't carry over their inventory either, they are assigned starting gear and money that the game decides is appropriate for their level (which is really weak - my level 35 Gunslinger/Techie started with leather armor, a repeater rifle, a fine revolver, and 1500 coins).
Excellent! I think I'll have to export some of my characters to multiplayer, so that if I ever do go on multiplayer, I can kick some ass! :smile: Hehehehe, what's to stop someone with the level cap remover exporting their (uber perhaps?) character?