I have about 570 posts and my avatar is "Water Merchant." I don't know when it switched over - it could have been awhile ago. What is the significance of that?
I think it was Jinxed, but I wasn't around when the titles were introduced. I was around for the old avatar/title system but only just.
Jinxed it was. Water Merchant was one of the new ranks that entered the forum when people got the ability to choose from a selection of avatars rather than having one that corresponded to your post count. Before, ranks were more decidedly Arcanumesque than the current pan-Troikian. Under the old system, you would probably have been an Ornate Flintlock or something. Personally, I don't think they should have switched to the current system at all. It was probably done to harmonize more with the Codex and all, but damn, I'd rather have TA retain it's originality.
So both the image and title corresponded to post count, whereas now the image can be chosen, while only admins can change the title? It wouldn't take much to change the titles back, would it? Sounds like a phpBB thing that only requires a couple clicks and some typing. Personally, I would rather have Arcanum or specifically Troika titles rather than the generic ones like Expert, Master, or anything relating to pallys of any level.
The image can be chosen, the title corresponds to your post count. Well, until we decide to take note of you and give you a custom title and image, that is. It wouldn't be too difficult to change. Question is, can I be bothered?
I often go by everyone's avatar as their identification regardless of name. If avs changed with titles, I'd never know who the fuck I was talking to on here. The boob ones were the best though.