yes cos there is loads of different spells and skimatics i havent tryed yet and yes i know my spelling is crap :smile:
Yes. And I am. I love the freedom you get in this game. There's countless different ways to finish quests and not one game is exactly the same. And there are always things you missed the first time around.
I'm playing through my second time. I already have two other character ideas in mind that I'd like to play through as.
I finished twice, now I play simultaneous with six characters (all depends how I feel like), so after that game over.
I have yet to make it even 1/3 of the way through the game. I get about that far and just get disgusted at how easy the game is due to things not working right, bugs (like 0 ap molotovs) and cheese (dex + any dex/speed items/spells = insane ap per combat turn) and start over. I think back to recent games like Baldur's Gate 2 specifically, where combat was difficult. You had to plan and think, and it was very challenging and fun. Arcanum feels like a walk in candyland compared to BG2. I am hoping and crossing my fingers they will give us a patch that fixes some of the broken spells, items, and issues, which will provide a -much- needed challenge. So far the only challenge I have had is playing hard difficulty, tech/firearm only solo char. Any char capable of throwing, melee, using bows or magic pretty much owns the game inside out at all stages solo or not :sad: Just mho anyway.
I do want to replay Arcanum again... eventually. I've already played it a couple of times, and was going to start a new game, but finding a double Fallout I/II package at the store the other day for $10 seriously puts a damper on that. Time to relive some old memories...