I want to buy Arcanum, but before I do, the game descriptions I can find all say it's for Windows 95 / Me / 98. I have Windows XP. Will I be able to play the game? I've also seen something about a version called - I think - Car Arcanum. I tried searching for that at Amazon and only found an unrelated novel. What is Car Arcanum?
Welcome to the forum, Cessilind! Car-Arcanum is a revision/expansion pack for the game created by ChrisBeddoes. It has stronger monsters, more areas to explore, a lot more ways to get killed, and arguably the most unique follower you'll ever see. You can find it in the downloads section here. Note: Be sure to patch your game before installing.
I don't know. Ever since I sacrificed the chicken and raped Bill Gates in the ass, I haven't had any problems.
I have a more piss off time running newer games on Vista than old ones. VTM:Bloodlines will not run on Vista for me. Nor will NWN Diamond. After searching through truck loads of help sites and forums I can only guess that my shitty, generic, integrated graphics card is not good enough to run them. But with old games (more specifically 2D games), you don't have to worry about graphics.
Thats why I don't use windows. Unfortunately I cannot run Arcanum directly on linux, I have to emulate it in win 2k or xp. Maybe you should try reformatting with one of those?
Runs fine on WinXP Pro with SP-2. This game was released when XP was still fresh in the market so there's no reason why it can't run on it.
Yeah I got Arcanum to work well with Vista too. I have no idea how, I just isntalled it and it worked. Dumb luck I guess. I've heard loads of people complaining about how Fallout won't run right in Vista and it worked fine right off the bat for me.
Do they complain about the superfast map travel caused by faster computers running the game, 'cause there's a patch to fix that over at NMA or D&C. Or is this a new collection of problems that's risen with Vista. That goddam OS brings out the worst in everything. I get Arcanum to run perfectly on my Vista machine yet ToEE gives me fits. It won't even execute. I just get that crash message and then it asks if I want to search for a solution online or terminate the program.
I know if you right click and go on compatibility and set it for xp and all that it works fine. Am running it now on vista and am having no problems at all. But am sure you guys already know that but that's just my two cents
I didn't even turn on compatibility. I simply installed, double-clicked, and started playing. My computer is straight out of the box with pre-installed Vista. The only thing I changed in Vista's settings was turning off the UAC. As stupid as it sounds, maybe it's a graphics card issue. Mine is the generic, integrated Intel piece of shit that came with the comp.