I noticed this location in the T-A locationbank but how do i get there? If you just go to the cooridates there is nothing there?!?!
I had the same problem. Also, I couldn't get to the other cool-sounding place that TA said was somewhere nearby to the castle. FOrget its name.
It must be part of a quest or something, like if you try to go to T'sen Ang before you advance the plot there is nothing there.
It is one of the master quest. Probably in the same row as the newspaper daily. Most locations are given by quest, so you can't find it yourself.
Disarm Traps? I thought it was for Spot Traps, but whichever it is, it's an entertaining one. I've never seen so many traps. There must be more traps on that one map, than in the rest of the game combined. When you do get to it, make sure to ask your followers to wait until you clear them all, otherwise there will be a lot of healing going on behind you. :smile: