Anyone ever tried going though a game as a pure summoner, using only automatons or Vorpal Rabbits (Stillwater Blade) as companions ? Wonder if it will be fun. Esp with the Vorpal Rabbits since u can summon them only when u need them. Otherwise, u will be running alone, very little lag. Putting your skills into pickpocketing, prowling and teleportation. The Gods quest is great too since it grants u +3 pickpocket, +2 melee without needing to put CPs into it.
I played as a solo and it was OK... Well other party members are useful since you can ude their backpacks, but i finished game without special problems (with gods quest), having teleportation spell, 3rd level of summoning (ogre destroyers roxx) and fifth of temporal (tempus fugit). Main boss of the game died on 3rd round ))